虽然是P I在美国主推,但版型亚洲人也能hold住。衣服的材质和做工都属一流产品,集美货的大气和日货的精致于一体。排汗速干能力同样强劲,汗液能迅速隔离,长时间的骑行后感觉还是比较干爽的,我最怕湿乎乎的油腻感了。洗涤之后略拧几下,一般一个晚上都能干透,长途骑行比较方便,不用带很多套骑行服。普通人需要克服的...
3.1. Water Quality Assessment The overall water quality of different cities and the whole PRD area is measured using WPI, which is defined as: W P It = 1 n n ∑ i=1 Ci(t) Si (1) where WPIt is the WPI of a region in year t, n is the number of water quality parameters, Ci...