Pearl Harbor: Directed by Michael Bay. With Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, William Lee Scott. A tale of war and romance mixed in with history. The story follows two lifelong friends and a beautiful nurse who are caught up in the horror of a
Are these sequences good enough to makePearl Harborworth my while? Yeah, I think so. I don’t much care for the plastic love story, it plays fast and loose with a number of historical areas, and the extended ending feels unnecessary, but the attack itself merits the price of admission....
Evelyn and Danny are both stationed at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, marking a turn in the plot for them as well, bringing them closer to the war. Meanwhile, we see for the first time the Japanese preparing for the attack. First Plot Point:Word reaches Danny and Evelyn that Rafe was shot dow...
I headed off to see PEARL HARBOR tonight with a regular audience in a regular theater in little ol Austin, Texas and I thought that I would hate it. I had spoken with Joe Hallenbeck earlier in the day who has decided to condemn going to see...
Pearl Harbor: Regia di Michael Bay. Con Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, William Lee Scott. Un racconto di guerra e d'amore mescolato con la Storia. La storia segue due amici da tutta una vita e una bella infermiera presi dall'orrore di un'in
Pearl Harbor: Regia di Michael Bay. Con Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, William Lee Scott. Un racconto di guerra e d'amore mescolato con la Storia. La storia segue due amici da tutta una vita e una bella infermiera presi dall'orrore di un'in