Scarlet Letter: Hester & Pearl essays"Hester Prynne is a single mother devoted to the child who personifies the scarlet letter: part symbol, part consolation, and part terror...Hester is a quiet rebel whose isolation grants her a certain freedom of thoug
所属专辑:《红字》The Scarlet Letter 音频列表 1 第七章 总督大厅(一)The governor’s hall 40 2020-02 2 第六章 珠儿(四)Pearl 86 2020-02 3 第六章 珠儿(三)Pearl 58 2020-02 4 第六章 珠儿(二)Pearl 36 2020-02 5 第六章 珠儿(一)Pearl ...
它分层设包他它分层设包他In The Scarlet Letter, what does Pearl best represent throughout the nove
Many years later, Hester returns alone, still wearing the scarlet letter. She was buried next to Dimmesdale, but far from his grave, sharing a headstone with him, on which is a scarlet letter “A” on a black background. After finish reading this novel, I am deeply impressed by Pearl ...
Rose Bush in The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne | Symbolism & Quotes 7:00 The Scarlet Letter Character List & Flashcards Ch 5. The Scarlet Letter Chapter... Ch 6. Quotations from The Scarlet... Ch 7. Teaching The Scarlet LetterPearl...
The Scarlet Letter:In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne has had an affair with the town minister and finds herself pregnant. When the rest of the town realizes this woman, who is known to be a widow is pregnant they shame and punish her for adultery. The town demands...
所属专辑:《红字》The Scarlet Letter 音频列表 1 第六章 珠儿(三)Pearl 58 2020-02 2 第六章 珠儿(二)Pearl 36 2020-02 3 第六章 珠儿(一)Pearl 59 2020-02 4 第五章 海丝特做针线(三)Hester at the needle 75 2020-02 5 第五章 海丝特做针线(二)Hester at the needle ...
Arthur dimmesdale in Hawthorne's the scarlet letter is a character and the inner world of the most rich, complex characters. This paper by comparing the character of Arthur dimmesdale and hostess Sturt on the high seas and the Pearl, analysis of the contradictions in the character, versatility ...