Schulz continued to introduce new characters into the strip, including a tomboyish, freckle-faced, shorts-and-sandals-wearing girl named Patricia Reichardt, better known as "Peppermint Patty." "Peppermint" Patty is an assertive, athletic, but rather obtuse girl who shakes up Charlie Brown's world...
Charlie Brown once traded Lucy to Peppermint Patty's team for Marcie and a pizza. Once Peppermint Patty discovered what a terrible player Lucy really was, she traded her back. Even on the ball field, Lucy continually flirts with Schroeder, who plays catcher on Charlie Brown's team. She even...
Peppermint Patty – The ESTP (“The Daredevil”) “Relax, troops. We got to get a hold of ourselves. It’s only bears and tigers out there, and they’re as frightened of us as we are of them.”– Peppermint Patty Peppermint Patty, with her trademark sandals and a knack for shaking ...
She often seems angry. Schroeder plays a small toy piano. Every year he celebrates the birthday of composer Ludwig von Beethoven. Linus always carries a blanket to feel secure. Peppermint Patty is good at sports. She likes Charlie Brown very much and is the only one who calls him “Chuck....