REPORTING FROM PARIS —Lucy van Pelt sits, as she has for decades, with her arms folded at a desk under a sign that reads “Psychiatrist Help 5¢.” Snoopy, the enigmatic beagle owned by Charlie Brown, sits on a small wooden stool. Lucy’s frustration grows as Snoopy remains unimpressed...
Lucy Van Pelt, with her no-nonsense approach to life, unmistakably represents the ESTJ –“The Captain”. She’s the one in charge, whether it’s handing out unsolicited advice from her psychiatrist booth for five cents or orchestrating the neighborhood’s next big production. Lucy’s assertive...
Lucy van Peltis the older sister ofLinus van PeltandRerun van Pelt. She has a dominant personality, is crabby and cynical, and is often mean to the other characters in the strip, particularly her brother and Charlie Brown. She is a self-proclaimed psychiatrist, although her most prominent ...