Perhaps best known internationally for his role on the hit BBC/Netflix series "Peaky Blinders," Zephaniah portrayed the fiery street pastor and one of Tommy Shelby's most loyal allies, Jeremiah "Jimmy" Jesus, throughout all six seasons for a total of 14 episodes. The full social media post...
British actress Helen McCrory, who starred in the television show “Peaky Blinders” and the “Harry Potter” movies, has died, her husband said Friday. She was 52 and had been suffering from cancer.
Peaky Blinders(2013) Tim Roth Actor Rob Roy(1995) Ned Dennehy Charlie Strong Good Omens(2019) Jay Lycurgo Actor The Batman(2022) Ian Peck Curly The Wolfman(2010) Packy Lee Johnny Dogs Peaky Blinders(2013) Andy M Milligan Punter Dead Hot(2024) ...
Barry Keoghan has joined the cast of the upcoming Peaky Blinders film, Netflix has announced. The Irish actor, known for last year's Saltburn, as well as performances in The Banshees Of Inisherin and Dunkirk, will appear alongside Oscar-winnerCillian Murphy, star of the original show. Keogha...
Peaky Blinders provides a fictional account of the real-life gang of the same name, which was active in Birmingham, England, from the 1890s to the early 1930s. Is Thomas Shelby a real person? Thomas Shelby is a character on Peaky Blinders, who's played by actor Cillian Murphy. While no...
Poet Benjamin Zephaniah, who also acted on shows including Peaky Blinders, died on Thursday, eight weeks after getting diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was 65.“It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the death of our beloved husband, son and brother in the early hours of thi...
Peaky Blinders star Daryl McCormack has become the latest name to join the star-studded cast of Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery. According to Variety, the actor, who played Isaiah Jesus in the hit crime drama, will join Daniel Craig in Benoit Blanc's third murder mystery adventure...
Aside from Peaky Blinders, O'Keeffe is known for her roles in 'Filth' and 'Misfits'. You might also remember her as the 'The Abominable Bride' from BBC's Sherlock's Christmas Special episode of the same name. Finn Cole Actor Finn Cole (Getty Images) ...
'Peaky Blinders' Season 5: Thomas Shelby used these women to get ahead, but hopefully now things will be different When it comes to playing a character as complex and convoluted as Thomas Shelby, even actor Cillian Murphy states that it leaves him exhausted. Especially, after the death o...
It's not often that you find a Best Actor Academy Award winner as a guest star on a TV series butPeaky Blindershad one in Adrien Brody. He won the coveted prize for his stellar work inThe Pianistbut is also well-known for his roles inKing Kong, Predators, and various Wes Anderson movi...