It seems like just yesterday that I walked out of the Colorado Springs airport with all my bags and was awestruck by Pike's Peak. I can hardly remember that first week. The week when I would walk into the dining room, not recognize anyone, and decide I could go without lunch that day...
BV Jeeps & ATVs天气2℃/19℃ 【美国丹佛】Billie Eilish《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT: THE TOUR》巡回演唱会天气2℃/19℃ Mount Princeton Historic Bath House & Hot Springs天气2℃/19℃ 皇家峡谷大桥天气3℃/16℃ Peak Fitness天气3℃/16℃ Pike-San Isabel National Forest天气4℃/18℃ 第十六街购物中...