ratio of peak white to black level 黑白电平峰值比 at the peak of 在…的高峰时期 peak to peak 由极大到极小 kneading trough n. 揉面槽 相似单词 trough n.[C] 1.槽;饲料槽;饮水槽;揉面槽;洗矿槽 2.【建】檐槽;天沟;引水道;排水沟 3.(水波间的)波谷 4.【地】(小山间的)槽谷;盆状洼...
peak to trough ratio峰谷比:用于衡量周期性波动的指标,表示最高点(峰值)与最低点(谷值)之间的比率。网络释义专业释义 峰谷比 ... peak to peak amplitude 峰间振幅 peak to trough ratio 峰谷比 peak voltage 最年夜电压 ... 基于50个网页-相关网页 短语 peak-to trough ratio 峰谷比 trough to ...
fissionnuclear modelssymmetry fission/two-mode mechanism for, peak-to-trough ratios in, (tPeak-to-trough ratios were compiled and analyzed based on a model in which the two modes of fission were independently governed by two different saddles. The resulting barrier height for the symmetric mode ...
谷峰强度作用比值:Trough to peak ratio 降压药物的最小降压作用(谷作用)和最大降压作用(峰作用)的比值,合理的谷峰比值是平稳降压的药理基础。
Intuitively, drugs that have a low trough-to-peak ratio should be associated with an increased blood pressure load as the agent is losing its effectiveness at the end of the dosing period. However, the extent of the reduction at trough and peak times must be taken into consideration when eva...
Morgan T.Trough to peak ratio as a gu ide to BP control:m easurem entand calcu lation. J of hum hyperten . 1998Trough to peak ratio as a guide to BP control: measurement and calculation. T Morgan,J Menard,H Brunner. Journal of Human Hypertension . 1998...
Trough to peak ratio: current status and applicability. J Hum Hypertens 12, 55–59 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.jhh.1000547 Download citation Received02 February 1997 Revised07 July 1997 Accepted10 August 1997 Published11 February 1998 Issue Date01 January 1998 DOIhttps://doi.org/...
This study investigated whether the surface ratio, a novel index to characterize long-acting antihypertensive agents, would provide a more reproducible estimate of the duration of the antihypertensive effect than the more commonly used trough-to-peak ratio. In 66 hypertensive patients (diastolic pressure...
The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition comprising a PTH compound, wherein after subcutaneous administration the pharmacokinetic profile of the PTH compound exhibits a peak to trough ratio of less than 4 within one injection interval.Inventors...
Comparison of the smoothness index, the trough : peak ratio and the morning : evening ratio in assessing the features of the antihypertensive drug effect. To provide a direct comparison of the trough : peak ratio (TPR), the morning : evening home blood pressure ratio (MER) and the ...