Define peak period. peak period synonyms, peak period pronunciation, peak period translation, English dictionary definition of peak period. peak period. Translations. English: peak period n periodo di punta. Italian / Italiano: periodo di massima attivit
Wind tunnel simulation of the atmospheric surface layer requires the matching of characteristics in the incident wind and knowledge about how these characteristics relate to pressure peaks which are responsible for extreme loads on a structure. In this paper we provide the groundwork of a wavelet-...
peak-equivalent sound pressure level 英汉医学词典 n.等效峰值声压级 专业医学词典 等效峰值声压级 与"peak-equivalent sound pressure level"相近的词条 ...
Define peak rate. peak rate synonyms, peak rate pronunciation, peak rate translation, English dictionary definition of peak rate. peak rate. Translations. English: peak rate n tariffa ore di punta. Italian / Italiano: tariffa ore di punta.
弥漫性颅内压升高... ... 参数收缩期血流速度(peak systolic velocity, Vs) 计算 脑灌注压( cerebral perfusion pressure, C…|基于2个网页 3. 收缩期尖峰流速 ...部之血流信号型态呈现典型的「高速低阻抗流动型态」,收缩期尖峰流速(peak systolic velocity) 为0.73米/秒,阻抗指数 (resi… ...
NOTE: A larger fluid nozzle at a reduced fluid pressure will maintain the same flow rate, but the fluid stream(velocity)will slow down. 注释: 在较低的流体压力下使用较大的流体喷 嘴可保持同样的流量,但流体的流动(速度)会变慢 当使用空气时,低速可让空气作用在流 体上的时间...
Peak power was produced significantly later in the shoulder throw versus the shoulder press. This differing power reflected a greater bar velocity of the shoulder throw at both assigned weights compared with the shoulder press. 展开 关键词: Sport Sciences Bench Press Strength Velocity Load Adaptations...
Ground motions associated with the passage of blast transients are important in two respects. Firstly, they develop as a result of the dynamic pressure pulse and are integrally related to the strains suffered by the soils. Secondly, ground motions subject nearby structures, buried or aboveground, ...
1) peak wind pressure 极值风压1. Meanwhile,the peak wind pressure for the cladding design are presented by the statistical method. 基于广州某复杂体型高层建筑的风洞试验,分析了幕墙风荷载的平均风压与脉动风压的分布特性及影响平均风压与脉动风压相关性的因素,并按峰值因子统计方法结合风洞试验动态风荷载时程...
1) peak inflating pressure 最大充气压2) maximum aerating velocity 最大充气速度 1. The operating phase diagram, annular pressure drop, minimum spouting velocity and maximum aerating velocity of a draft tube spouted bed with aeration were studied in a 92 mm-I. 实验采用4种颗粒为实验物料并...