1.2RMStoPeak-to-PeakJitterConversion ToconvertbetweenRMSandpeak-to-peakrandom jitter,theBERmustbespecified.Thefollowing equationscanbeusedtoconvertbetweenthetwo: RMSPP JitterJitter*α= − and α PP RMS Jitter Jitter − = Whereαisdeterminedby()BERerfc=α*2 ...
The second method is to select a bit error rate (BER) threshold and define the random jitter as a peak-to-peak value. This application note gives a mathematical basis for converting between RMS jitter and peak-to-peak jitter measurements. Read full article....
aThe measured rms jitter is improved from 8.22 ps to 3.95 ps, and the peak-to-peak jitter improved from 45.2 ps to 31.6 ps. Figs. 14(a) and (b) compare the jitter histograms of the conventional design and the proposed design at a 10-MHz modulation frequency. 被测量的rms焦虑从8.22 ps...
T Yamaguchi,MSoma,M Ishida. Extraction of Peak-toPeak and RMS Jitter Using an Analytic Signal Method, Proc[M].IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, pp 2000.YAMAGUCHI T J ET AL: "Extraction of peak-to-peak and RMS sinusoidal jitter using an analytic signal method" VLSI TEST SYMPOSIUM, 2000. ...
RMS 到峰峰值抖动计算器 RMS 到峰峰值抖动计算器 |返回发展计算器 您正在处理仅包含随机噪声的信号,并且您知道其抖动值(以秒 RMS 为单位)。对于此计算器,数据信号适用的抖动类型是时间间隔误差 (TIE)。对于时钟信号,适用的抖动类型可以是任何类型(TIE、周期抖动、周期抖动等)。无论如何,如果抖动分布是高斯分布,...
The peak power reduction and the RMS jitter are measured to be -14.9dB at the RBW of 100 KHz and 1.40ps, respectively. The chip area is 0.34mm x 0.36mm in a 0.13um process.Seong-Hwan JeonYoung-Ho ChoiByung-Sub KimJae-Yoon Sim