In the case where all the peaks in a chromatogram show similar peak shape changes, one possible cause could be slippage of the tubing connecting the column to the HPLC system. This can happen when using PEEK finger-tight fittings. Another possible cause is the presence of a void in the col...
As discussed in this series, changes in peak shape are a common problem in HPLC analyses. Ideally, peaks should be symmetrical, with a Gaussian shape [D. R. Stoll, LC-GC N. Am. 39 (2021), pp. 353–362]. The symmetry of a peak may be quantified by calculating the USP tailing ...
This combination of excellent peak shape andscalability to high-throughput methods make Eclipse Plus C8 a valuable tool to increase productivity wherever HPLC is used.John W. Henderson JrNona MartoneCliff Woodward
negative, mz=124.0074, rt=7.6, peak area=2.0E4, peak height= 4.0E8) has very low peak area, but its peak shape was quite good. However, on the file "P0_S1 (yellow color)" , the same taurine feature gave the peak area=2.0E7, peak height=4.0E8...
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB HPLC Columns The First Choice for Developing Better HPLC Methods Technical Overview • Excellent peak shape for basic, acidic or neutral compounds • High performance over a wide pH range • Rugged, reproducible chromatography from column-to-column and lot-to-lot • More ...
because i-PDeA II separates peaks based only on differences in spectral shape, it can also be used to separate and quantitate peaks for co-eluted isomers. This report explains the principle used by the i-PDeA II technique to separate peaks, describes an example of using i-PDeA II to analyz...
the calculation of the respective set of theoretical isotope distributions (including chemical modifications and multiple charge states) is straightforward. These isotope distributions are subsequently convolved with instrument-specific, possibly mass-dependent peak shape functions, yielding the basis functions...
the impurity is coeluted with the main compound with a retention profile that has the same shape and retention time as the main compound (9). Examples from Analyses of Real Pharmaceutical Materials In the following case study we show examples from the analysis of a l...
Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LCMS) is widely used in metabolomics due to its sensitivity, reproducibility, speed and versatility. Metabolites are detected as peaks which are characterised by mass-over-charge ratio (m/z) and retention time (rt), and one of the most critical...
(IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report also advocated accelerated electrification. The surge in household demand for electricity is an important reason for the double-digit growth in power peak loads and the increased peak-valley difference, leading to the problems associated with an insufficient power supply ...