Peak Restaurant & Bar 地址:30 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001,美国🍽️ 餐厅位于哈德逊广场The Shops and Restaurants的5楼,入口处有电梯直达101层的餐厅。建议中午前往,有75美金两道菜和88美金三道菜的套餐,但请注意,美国菜的分量较大,建议适量点餐。📞 预订方式:可以通过电话或resy应用进行预订,需要...
📍 Peak Restaurant & Bar 📍 30 Hudson Yards 101st floor, New York, NY 100010 8 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 罗马漫步天使张同学 2024-11-28 上进心:别让外界压力压垮你看完聊天记录...全文 罗马漫步天使张同学 2024-11-28 普通家庭孩子的金钱焦虑:要钱与花钱的纠结...全文 +2 罗马漫步天使张...
Peak Restaurant & Bar59 条评价 人均: 958 元 口味: 9.0 环境: 9.2 服务: 9.2 地址: 30 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001美国 电话: +1-332-20485** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(59) 全部 图片(58) 好评(53) 中评(6) 差评(0) youcantsitwithus 人均:1016元 view非常好,在吧台先喝两杯...
Peak Restaurant & Bars绝对是你的不二之选!记得提前预订哦,我们提前了三周才订到,可以通过Google map在resy.com上预定。🚗 餐厅位于30 Hudson Yards的101层,有专属电梯直达,比The Edge还要高一层!而且餐厅有楼梯可以直接通往观景台,这样吃饭的同时还能省下40美元的门票,超值!作为景观餐厅,这里的出品也非常惊艳,...
Peak Restaurant & Bar 30 Hudson Yards 101st floor, New York, 100010 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 花开半夏MOKO喵 2025-01-20 🌳龙井村:呼吸新鲜空气,忘却烦恼雨后的...全文 +5 花开半夏MOKO喵 2025-01-20 蚂蚁为什么不吃纯蜂蜜?真相在这里!🐜🍯 ...全文 花开半夏MOKO喵 2025-01-20 ...
📍 Peak Restaurant & Bar 地址:30 Hudson Yards 101st floor, New York, 10001 路线:先定位到The Shop,乘坐电梯到五楼,进入休息室check in,再乘坐专用电梯直达101层。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 万物静默如谜 2024-12-10 上斜俯卧撑标准动作与技巧详解俯卧撑是一...全文 万物静默如谜 2024-12-10...
。感觉Peak这种餐厅不仅适合约会,还特别适合带家人去玩,让他们看看纽约的美景。 小贴士: 如果你想要一个靠窗的位置,记得在预约时特别注明 Peak Restaurant & Bar 营业时间:午餐11:45-14:30;晚餐17:00-22:00 :30 Hudson Yards 101st floor, New York, NY 10001 人均消费大概150...
A unique restaurant inspired by Peak with Priceless' incredible views of Hudson Yards & New York. The perfect setting for pre and post dinner drinks on the rooftop.
This is almost like a restaurant that just opened and can't iron out the issues. The problem is it's not new. The host had to bus tables so everything was a mess. The offerings are limited and they didnt even bring a birthday dessert to celebrate. It's a shame that such a nice ...
Check out the Weltzeituhr (world time) Clock, topped by a model of the solar system, then turn back time by dining at the historic Zur Letzten Instanz, a 16th century restaurant that was frequented by Napoleon and Beethoven. Read more Munich Munich exudes Bavarian charm. Beer fanatics ...