Republic of Venice (Republik Venedig): While not part of the Holy Roman Empire, it was an important neighbor and a key player in Mediterranean and European politics. Kingdom of Sicily (Königreich Sizilien): At times under the control of the Hohenstaufen Emperors, it played a significant ro...
One of my great grandparents was a share cropper, on a part time basis, back around the turn of the twentieth century, and my maternal grandfather, his kid, helped out in the fields and so never had an opportunity to go to school, which was quite common in this area that far back. ...
The chart above shows the Non-OPEC minus C+C STEO forecast and the OPEC C+C STEO forecast, the first data point of each forecast is shown on the chart, data to the left of that is from the EIA’s international petroleum data and data to the right is the STEO forecast. There are ...
it led to the downfall of the roman empire, the soviets, and now we’re headed for it. other more mainstream historians like chalmers johnson have written very similar things. then you came along with these idiotic boardgame scenarios about the russians, chinese, ...
Secure Grid 2009 war game exercise performed using possible terrorist roadmap: bombs, borders, bugs, business, bodies & buildings Energy security depends heavily on electricity – even to produce the other fuels. Joint commission on grid security from Feb 2008 with DOD & others found it was urge...
First, a little theory. The decline in U.S. oil production* is explained by theHubbert Peak Theory, which states that “the amount of oil under the ground in any region is finite, therefore the rate of discovery which initially increases quickly must reach a maximum and decline.”...
In March the beginning of the impact of the restrictions on US economic activity brought about in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was observed as the slight decline in production occurred despite the fact that, for example, according to the EIA’s Electricity Monthly Update: “Florida saw el...
OPEC’s largest produce and the World’s largest exporter, Saudi Arabia, increased Crude production by 48,000 bp/d in June. There has been very little change in Saudi production in the last nine months. All other OPEC producers had very little change from May to June. Charts of all 12 ...
I agree that, barring a nuclear war (always a real possibility), many countries still have a wide range of options to construct a viable future using modest levels of fossil fuels in conjunction with solar/wind/hydro/nuclear power. The United States, Canada and Australia certainly have the ...