The troponin assay used throughout the study period was the Elecsys high sensitivity troponin T (Roche Diagnostics) with a normal range ≤14 ng/L (<99th percentile upper reference limit). The highest troponin during the index admission was deemed to be the “peak” troponin. Troponin was typi...
000 lung function measures in 2728 asthmatic children evaluated at a tertiary referral center. The mean FEV1of the cohort studied was 92.7% of predicted, with 77% of the values within the normal range (>80% of predicted). In contrast, the mean FEF25–75was 78% with only 27.7% of the...
C on the interface between gray and white matter, and of 0.0\(^{\circ }\)C for all nodes on the interface between gray matter and CSF. The resulting flux field allows us to identify the directions of the steepest temperature gradient\(\mathbf {n}_0\), normal to the undeformed ventricu...
Additionally, a modest improvement was observed in peak PETCO2 with mavacamten compared with placebo though not to the normal range (eTable 1 in Supplement 1). These associations suggest that mavacamten not only improved symptoms and functional capacity, but also has the potential to improve...
The Doppler-estimated peak systolic tricuspid pressure gradient is the most reliable noninvasive method for the evaluation of pulmonary artery systolic pressure in patients with tricuspid regurgitation. Our goal was to evaluate the range of this gradient in healthy persons and determine a normal upper ...
Gradient system characterization by impulse response measurements with a dynamic field camera This work demonstrates a fast, sensitive method of characterizing the dynamic performance of MR gradient systems. The accuracy of gradient time-courses is ......
If the knot is an internal knot then the spline is bent to a new shape, while a knot corresponding to the end-points, the start and end offset region-parameters, is adjusted resulting in the background gradient altering. A new option on the Components Property Page allows the internal ...
[112,113]. Clearance of blood urea in turn requires an osmotic gradient during its renal excretion, thus causing diuresis [114,115]. Additionally, reverting back to a lower carbohydrate diet (e.g., one similar to that used early in the week to fat load in preparation for carbohydrate ...
Our goal was to evaluate the range of this gradient in healthy persons and determine a normal upper limit. We studied 53 healthy persons (34 women, 19 men; aged 14 to 55 years, mean 38.9 卤 12.7 years) who did not smoke and who had an adequate Doppler signal of tricuspid regurgitation...
Here we only consider the forces between the ion and the target atoms given by the gradient of the ZBL potential. The target atoms are pinned and grid forces are not considered. Finally we prepared a two-dimensional cubic lattice of atoms and followed the trajectories for random impact ...