ScanAsyst Auto Setpoint was off during the measurement and the Peak Force Setpoint was typed in manually before the measurement (it was not equal to the default engage setpoint of 0.15V). Where do I find it, it has to be stored in the file. | Post Points: 12 All Replies 288 Posts ...
3.单项选择题在PeakForce Tapping Mode下,进针的作用力是由以下哪个参数决定的?() A.PeakForce SetpointB.Noise ThresholdC.Feedback GainD.PeakForce Engage Setpoint 点击查看答案 4.单项选择题 当使用Tapping Mode成像时,得到了如下的形貌图和相位图,最可能的原因是()。 A.Amplitude Setpoint设置不当使得力过大...
I was not able to engange with the OBL so far... are there recommended settings that I should use for engange? I'm using Bioscope Catalyst with Nanoscope 8.15 The engange stops immediately again after pressing the engage button. I tried increasing the engange setpoint in "Engage settings"...