O. (1983): Peak flow rate in young Nigerian adults. Nig. J. Physio. Sci. 1: 24-30 caution. Such interpretations should, when possible, use clinical information in the decisions as to what is normal and what is abnormal.Jajaa, S.I., Ojo, G.O. (1983). Peak flow rates in young ...
Peak flow meters come in two ranges of measurement, low and standard. Low range peak flow meters are for small children, and a standard range meter is for older children, teenagers and adults. Peak Flow Meter Informational VideoFlow Meters Power Pages...
Variations of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Associated with Various Factors Among Healthy Adults in a City Settingpollutionpulmonary function testsspirometryPEFRBMIIntroduction.Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) was first described by Hadorn as a measure of the lung function. The definition of PEFR established...
Peak expiratory flow, breath rate and blood pressure in adults with changes in particulate matter air pollution during the Beijing Olympics: A panel studyMuL.DengF.TianLiY.SwansonM.YingingentaconnectEnvironmental Research New YorkMu, L.; Deng, F.; Tian, L.; Li, Y.; Swanson, M.; Ying, ...
Suboptimal Peak Inspiratory Flow in Patients Hospitalized for COPD Exacerbation: Prevalence and Predictive Factors Introduction: Despite the importance of an adequate peak inspiratory flow (PIF) during inhaled therapy in patients with COPD, the available evidence in pat... A González-Montaos,L Pazos-...
The western coastal escarpment of the Arabian Peninsula is composed of two mountain ranges, the Hijaz Mountain to the north and the Asir Mountains farther south, with a gap between them near the middle of the peninsula’s coastline. From an elevation of 2,100 metres (6,900 ft), the range...
Boxplots of voluntary and reflexive peak cough flow (PCF) in patients with neurogenic dysphagia (ND) and healthy controls. The boxplots show the medians and interquartile ranges. The whiskers indicate the lowest and maximum measurements. aDotted lines for cut-off values: PCF > 4.5 L/s...
Predictive nomograms for forced expiratory volume, forced vital capacity, and peak expiratory flow rate, in Chinese adults and children A survey of three indices of ventilatory capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and peak expiratory flow rate (......
This climate variability is reflected in a corresponding variability in the ranges of vegetation (Pickarski 2013, Vegetation and climate history During the last glacial-interglacial cycle at Lake Van, eastern Anatolia ). The return of such conditions would be very difficult to establish sedentary ...
Elmlinger MW, Kuhnel W, Weber MM, Ranke MB: Reference ranges for two automated chemiluminescent assays for serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3). Clin Chem Lab Med 2004;42:654–664. External Resources Pubmed/Medline (NLM) CrossRef (DOI) ...