Meg Wheatley and Deborah Frieze are documenting how communities are leading this ‘Walk Out, Walk On’ shift – from tier-upon-tier ‘parent-child’ globalising dynamics, to peer-to-peer ‘agentic adults’ trans-localisation collaborations.” ~ David Holmgren “Resistance, Wolin and Saul agreed,...
I’d suggest comparing the data from shithole countries like Nigeria (almost any country in Africa or the continent as a whole with the exception of South Africa), Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, the Philippines and Mexico with the US, the UK or any other G7 country where mass vacci...
I think the grandchildren of today’s young adults will live in a world that would be unrecognizable to people today. Sure, there might be some breakthrough in fusion or LENR or dual fluid reactors, but it is already too late to avoid a world shaking crisis, and the material golden age...
For those wanting to taste the optimistic scenario on energy transition, enjoy the meal. Glad we have some adults in leadership positions at the level of the Fed government executive branch again.
Only if one assumes that OPEC develops and extracts its oil resources as quickly as the US, UK, and Norway. As I said before read the first title in the references, a simple assumption is that OPEC has chosen to develop their resources slowly so that oil prices are not driven to under...
By Jan 2018 the cumulative output curve has shifted downward to the lower curve in Fig 2 (there are actually 35 of these curves between the two shown, one for each month, the chart would be a mess if they were all shown). A point of confusion is the distinction between decline rate ...
Mr Hancock has been criticised for incorrectly telling the House of Commons last month that UK trials had ruled out its effectiveness. The Government had not carried out any new research into the vitamin, the Department of Health later admitted.Caelan...
By Andrew Nikiforuk, Today, Will oil prices stay low for a while? “Uncertainty is the name of the game now. The price of oil is more volatile than ever before. Oil is linked to finance more than ever before. And the economies of producing and consuming countries are more...
Chart below has the ratio of per capita consumption to per capita industrial output with each value indexed at 1978=100 data from 1950 to 2014. A simple explanation for this is that we are consuming more service goods because most families have two adults working. This leads to more business...
Previous studies have found that as many as a third of Americans are lonely, and that 18% of UK adults felt lonely “always” or “often” (pdf). The latest research, which collated studies in two meta-analyses, connected the issue of isolation to health and specifically to premature death...