We confirmed by chart review that no patient experienced a substantial change in function in the interval between measurements. Of the Sensewear™ measurements the between-days variation of the number of steps of an individual patient was expressed as the coefficient of variation. The median ...
I don’t think it’s possible, for the US. As long as the US has the dominant currency, US dollars will flow to other countries, both in cash and in the form of credit (Treasuries, commercial paper, etc). That is a form of export, and it raises the exchange rate for the dollar....
Used to be Natural to flow bidirectional to the Grid. Common for Elevators and cranes. Not anymore since Billions of TARP Tax dollars spent on “1984” Smart Meters. A Utility truck rolls to disconnect any meter whenever a rouge electron is detected. Note also a kW on the roof may be ...
Human LNG, Excellent summary of plant vs animal ebb and flow on your planet. You must be a scholar on earth. Regarding Opium, it is the only plant on your planet that shares similarchemical alkoloidsthat are found in the human brain. Before your age of oil, (and perhaps after) it was...
The dotted line in the chart above, the long term carrying capacity of terrestrial vertebrate biomass, is declining because of our destruction of animal habitat, which means our habitat. This brings up a very misunderstood point about all mass extinctions. In all past extinctions, as well as ...
When push comes to shove, they will flex their economic and military might [if necessary], to control the flow of resources that they need. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong end of that competition (like the USA already is). The momentum is on their side. ...
Figure 2 is a flow chart illustrating the data structure and the analysis process with the different data resolution levels. The daily profiles (Section 4.1, Section 4.2, Section 4.3 and Section 4.4) were based on data from 803 households (n) with 2497 time points (T) each, which resulted...