The 5 wells were sampled again in...doi:10.1007/BF01702365H W HogmireJ E WeaverJ L BrooksBulletin of Environmental Contamination & ToxicologyHogmire HW, Weaver JE, Brooks JL (1990) Survey for pesticides in wells associated with apple and peach orchards in West Virginia. Bull Environ Contam ...
In a survey of peach orchards in South Australia the commonest nematodes in order of frequency of occurrence were Tylenchorhynchus spp. Trichodorus minor, Paratylenchus spp., Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus minyus, Xiphinema americanum, Criconemoides xenoplax, T. lobatus, P. vulnus and Helicotyl...
More than 50% of the global post-harvest loss has been ascribed to brown rot disease, especially in peach late-ripening varieties. In recent years, the disease has been so manifest in the orchards that some stone fruits were abandoned before harvest. In Spain, particularly, the disease has ...