Peach & Lily, the originator of the Korean beauty trend, offers the best selection of Korean skincare and K-Beauty products. 100% Worry-Free vegan & cruelty-free products.
The company blog for Peach & Lily, your one-stop shop for all things K-beauty and Korean skincare. Here, you'll find company news and informative articles, so you can get the skin of your dreams.
Peach and Lily currently ships to select countries worldwide.International customers are responsible for all customs, duties and taxes.International shipping rates are calculated depending on the weight of the package using DHL. We do not accept returns on international orders and shipments. ...
Only the items specified in the original return request and confirmed by Peach & Lily will be refunded. Extra products included in the return package and unconfirmed in the return request, especially if from an order outside the return window, will not be refunded. ...
Traveling with your skincare travel essentials ensures that your skin stays beautiful and healthy, no matter where you go. Ready to pack? Don’t forget to check out Peach & Lily’s travel-friendly products for a flawless K-beauty experience on the go!
Peach & Lilyjust released theirBest of K Beauty Awards. They feature 17 products that are best of the best (based on best selling products and most loved by the community). With mostly skincare and one makeup product, they are all equally amazing. I got a sneak preview of the products...
Why Peach & Lily? Free Shipping Over $50 Free standard US shipping (via FedEx or USPS) on purchases with a subtotal of $50 and over, after promotions and discounts are applied. Risk-Free 30 Day Returns If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to Peach and Lily...
Achieve your #GlassSkinGoals with gentle yet effective formulas created with your healthiest skin in mind. Shop our Peach & Lily korean glass skin products today!
Peach & Lily offers a variety of Korean acne products to enhance your skincare routine. Target breakouts & leftover marks with effective Korean skincare for acne.
The company blog for Peach & Lily, your one-stop shop for all things K-beauty and Korean skincare. Here, you'll find company news and informative articles, so you can get the skin of your dreams.