Watch Livestream Here(sermon starts around 59 minutes) Latest Blog Post Tree-age (“Triage”): When Life Gives You a Hurricane Over three months since the Storm and today I felt ready to go and walk among the trees off the Blue Ridge Parkway. I knew it would be both medicinal and mour...
That’s the image Jesus evokes in the Beatitudes when he says something unexpected. It makes sense that the poor in spirit inherit the Kingdom, that those who mourn will be comforted, that the meek will receive the earth, and that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. The mer...
When our domestic enemies, our GREATEST ENEMIES, think they’re losing ground they regroup and rehash their lies, propaganda and seek to control whatever storm, in their eyes, they think is coming. Like Paul probably tired of trying to destroy early christianity and decided to infiltrate and...
When Jesus presented His Sermon on the Mount, one of the Beatitudes He shared was, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). In other words, children of God are expected to demonstrate peace to the world, to be a light in a dark place...
-From a sermon by Chip Ingram, How to Do Battle With the Enemy and Win, Abridged/Edited, 6/11/2010 We’re continuing our series on spiritual warfare and today we continue to focus in on the internal battle. We can’t fight externally until we’ve learned to fight the battle in our ...
Recently I preached a sermon that I called resting in God before running in ministry. I used a phrase fromPsalm 37to bring that message: “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil ...
his heart and mind are correctly aligned with God and he is in a good state of being. May we all be so blessed. A Beatitudes Attitude, part 1 June 29, 2017 The most famous sermon ever delivered, the “sermon on the mount,” begins with eight statements known as the beatitudes. Did...
The kindred adjective δειλός fearful, is used by Matthew of the disciples in the storm (Matthew 8:26), and in Revelation of those who deny the faith through fear of persecution (Revelation 21:8). The kindred noun, δειλία, occurs only in 2 Timothy 1:7, "God ...
Well, it’s right next to the door that everyone enters and exits. So, I find myself turning my head every few seconds as that door opens and closes. I find myself hypothesizing whether that person left because they were offended by the sermon or whether they had to pee. Maybe it ...