Samer Khair Ahmed, a Jordanian writer and expert on Arab-China relations, said that Xi's speech reiterated China's objective position on the conflict in the Middle East, which is based on its historical position supporting the rights of the Palestinian people. "What China proposes currently is ...
There will never be peace in the Middle East. The idea of peace in a certain region is a silly notion. What region has truly ever known peace? Allow me to rephrase my thesis: There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as western powers intervene into Arab affairs. It is ...
RIYADH, May 6 -- Chinese Special Envoy for the Middle East Issue Gong Xiaosheng Sunday expressed deep concerns over the situation in the Middle East, saying China is willing to promote negotiation and peace in the region. The visiting envoy made the remarks while meeting Jamal Aqeel, Saudi ...
Startingfromtheheart,workingon thehearts,purifyour soulsistheonlywaytoachievepeace. 由心开始,从心着手,净化心灵,才是达致和平的唯一有效方法。 6. Chinaiswillingtocontinueitsunremittingeffortstoachievepeacein the MiddleEast,togetherwiththeinternationalcommunity. ...
Wang said China supports Iran and countries in the Middle East region to further resolve their differences through dialogue and consultation, build on the hard-won momentum of reconciliation and "keep the process for improving relations moving forward, and send positive signals for regional peace and...
To understand, you have to look back almost 2,000 years in the tumultuous history of the Middle East, when the ancient Romans destroyed the last temple in Jerusalem. To rebuild it, fervent believers point to the Bible's Book of Numbers, which commands the Israelites to offer "a red he...
Thanks to Trump, true peace in the Middle East can finally be achieved - opinion Washington DC, USA - September 15, 2020: Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, and Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan attend the Abraham Accords ceremony in The White House...
Noting that the war in Gaza has already generated dangerous spillover in neighboring countries, Turk said he is deeply concerned that in this powder keg, any spark could lead to a much broader conflagration. "This would have implications for every country in the Middle East, and many beyond ...
aAny decision taken by them now , however well-meant ,would make the peace talks in the Middle East more difficult to go on . 他们现在做出的所有决定,出自善意,在中东将使和平谈判更难继续。[translate]
has confirmed Bill Clinton's Northern Ireland peace envoy, George Mitchell, as his special representative in the Middle East, saying he would send the former Democratic senator to the region "as soon as possible" in an attempt to secure a lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians...