This strong and lovely name has the bonus feature of ending in the ever popular ah sound. It is currently ranked #1,125 on our U.S. list. Baby boy names that mean peace Axl The name Axl has Hebrew and Scandinavian origins. It is said to come from the Hebrew name Absalom, meaning "...
原 My daughter's name is Peace. It's a beautiful name and in fact I am obsessed with my daughter's name. Many people compliment my daughter's name and want to name their baby as Peace.In Hebrew it's Shalom, Greek it's Irene and in Spanish it's Pax/Paz. So, why can't we ma...
Someone called out in Hebrew: “Come out of there!” but there was no response. Then in Russian. Nothing. Arabic. Still nothing. Amharic. Nada. Then someone yelled‘Get out of there!’ in Yiddish. And a reply in German came from inside the heap: ‘No! I’m not coming out! I’m...
Yet this peace is not passive; it does not simply happen to us. It isboth a divine gift and a human responsibility. Godkeepspeace—guards it like a shepherd protecting his flock—but we muststayin that peace by fixing our minds on God. The Hebrew suggests asteady, unwavering trust, a ...
The Lord said I was not to ever be ashamed to attach my name to my Savior’s name, I was to hold on fast to His name and never stop professing His name for there was salvation in no other name under the heavens. Jesus said, He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does ...
”¹Seven years later,inMarch1925,AhmadLutfi al-Sayyid,considered to be thefatherof Egyptiannationalism,made thewindingtrainjourneyfromEgypttoPalestinetoattendtheinaugurationof theHebrew Universityof Jerusalem.Al-Sayyid, thenservingasthe firstpresidentof theUniversityofEgypt,was theEgyptiangovernment’s...
In fact, I’m going to try to answer three questions: 1. What do the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the development of Early Christianity? 2. What do the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the Hebrew Bible? 3. What do the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the history of Judaism? But be...
Peace Officers Memorial Day is held annually in the United States on May 15 in honor of federal, state and local officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. It is observed in conjunction with Police Week.
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And it is God’s good pleasure for us to heal the sick in the name of Jesus for and with Him. Col 1:29“Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.” 1 Cor 15:10“But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was...