Invite students to write a brief (length depends on grade level) entry about their impressions of the pinwheels created by themselves and their peers. Lesson Plan Source National Standards Submitted By Gary Hopkins FINE ARTS: Visual Arts GRADES K - 4 NA-VA.K-4.1Understanding ...
even with the good advice, wellness fell by the wayside. There were always papers to grade, lessons to plan, literature to read, tests to create, the next calendar to map out, parents to call—things that don’t happen inside of the classroom. There were the times I beat my...
3 • New York City • JAN/FEB 2016 WWiinnnneerr CUTTING EDGE NEWS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE The Age of Technology in America 2 TECHNOLOGY & EDUCATION ■ EDUCATION UPDATE ■ JAN/FEB 2016 TECHNOLOGY IN OUR SOCIETY Ceeds of Peace: Teaching Peacebuilding Skills as ...
And I will use me as an example, because then I don’t have to ask for permission. In Life, my focus areas are Business, Home / Personal, Wellness, and Service like Board of Education Work and Ministry. In my business, my Focus Areas are: Speaking and Teaching; Coaching Clients; Orga...