They bring to our attention the sublime words of the Prince of Peace, words that penetrate, reassure and heal. Amid commotion, we, like the billowing waters, may be still. It is the greatest of latter-day ironies. By frequently coming under the influence of His warm and whispering voice, ...
When I envision life, like the scripture above, I envision a stream of sparking water flowing through an exquisitely made frame that possesses a multitude of capabilities. What is even more wondrous to me is who’s life actually flows through me… “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, th...
even when I don’t feel like singing or praising God, He can give me back that joy. When sadness threatens to overtake me, I can still go out in joy and be led forth in peace, giving thanks in all circumstances; he does replace my sadness...
Treasury of Scripture Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Peace I leave. John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world...
read scripture and prayed, communed with Roger and donkey friends. On the dance floor, I closed my eyes to set my purpose for the day, and there behind my eyelids was a crystal-clear replication of Roger’s eye. Deep, dark, and ironically luminous, there was something spiritual about the...
ISA (Interlinear Scripture Analyzer) is an Interlinear Bible and Concordance Search tool. Etymological and idiomatic sublinears are closing the gap between translations and the original Bible text. ISA is designed to be dynamic and transparent, hereby enhancing objectivity. ISA has unique functions to...
I rejoice with you and thank God for permitting me to be with you, to lead you and love you. Little children, peace is in danger and the family is under attack. I am calling you, little children: return to prayer in the family. Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place and read it ...
It is the Holy Spirit that communicates to us exactly what is need each moment. We have Scripture, hymns, mentors and other spiritual writings that are helpful. In addition to those, I have found praying for myself — quietly communing with God — each day to be so valuable. Praying in...
I’m a Christian guy, so prayer is important to me. It might not be for you, and that’s okay. But if you’re a person of faith, I encourage you to make regular time to pray and calm your spirit. I also like to write a Scripture verse on an index card (yeah, I’m old sch...
David Powlison wroteSafe and Soundbecause he wanted " to be awake and alert to the real battles we face" (pg. 1). In Part 1, he carefully examines Scripture to answer questions regarding the nature of spiritual warfare, the role that the Evil One plays in this world, and how we...