This matter shown by value of Critical Ratio (C.R) to the each hypothesis more than 2,00. Banyak perusahaan baru — baru ini mengembangkan strategi pertahanan untuk mempertahankan konsumen melalui kualitas produk dan jasa, baik dipasar konsumen maupun di bisnis. Seiring dengan pengembangan pada ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rasio-rasio keuangan yang mempengaruhi PER pada perusahaan manufaktur yang ada di Bursa Efek Jakarta. Rasio-rasio keuangan tersebut adalah rasio likuiditas (current ratio), rasio solvabilitas (... FFP Seputro - 《Hd28 Management Industrial Management》 ...
Solvency Ratio in this case measured with storey;level of Capital Adequacy Ratio ( CAR), during range of time five year of Bank of BNI have average value of equal to 20,72% be at good condition, and every year reside in the above rule of Indonesia Bank that is 8 - 9,9%. Analysis...
In all HfO2 films, the Hf atomic ratio was lower than 30% and the O-atomic-ratio was about 65% when compared with the stoichiometric HfO2. The reason for this lies in the carbon content decreasing the Hf atomic ratio. When the substrate temperature was raised from 100 to 450 °C, the...