(mesaxonic condition). The talus (heel bone) with only 1, proximal, keeled surface,articulatingwith the tibia, no duplication of keel on the distal surface, as in artiodactyls. Nasals broad at the posterior end, alisphenoid canal present. Posterior premolars molariform; cheek teeth bunodont ...
the limbs passes through the third or middle toe, the most strongly developed and the one on which most of the weight is borne. This is called themesaxonic condition and is contrasted with the paraxonic condition of theArtiodactyla, in which the axis passes between the third and fourth toes...
PARA-JEM Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. PARIS Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. PARTICLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. PARTISOL Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. PathAmp Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. PATHATRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. PathClones Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Patheon Thermo Fisher Scientific...
(MTBF) 平均工作时间 Megeto - resistance 磁阻 Mesa 台面 MESFET-Metal Semiconductor金属半导体FET Metallization 金属化 Microelectronic technique 微电子技术 Microelectronics 微电子学 Millen indices 密勒指数 Mi 45、nority carrier 少数载流子 Misfit 失配 Mismatching 失配 Mobile ions 可动离子 Mobility 迁移率 ...
Una vez completado el ajuste, registre el ajuste posterior del valor final del transmisor y los errores de la entrada. Los sensores y los errores de salida del transmisor se deben nominalizar para lograr un mejor rendimiento de la medición de temperatura. ...