mrfailure (Materials) 1 Apr 24 13:44 Because of the amount of my rekevabt work experience, my state (Delaware) allowed me to take the PE and pass in 2011 without first taking the EIT. Interestingly, I subsequently lived in two states that would not grant reciprocity for my license bec...
1、【佛慧双语弘道馆】--《中庸》汉英对照(James Legge 译本) 500 BC THE DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN Confucius translated by James Legge [1893] 天命之谓性, What Heaven has conferred is called The Nature; 率性之谓道, an accordance with this nature is called The Path of duty; 修道之谓教。 the re...
In the process of recollection, the therapist often described her sense of mutuality or reciprocity in the collaboration, and she also expressed how she learned from the meetings. One meeting, with participant D, induced a kind of continuation of the therapeutic process as D stayed in a non...