The idea of loading up a bot with my course policies manual, short guide to the course, and the group guide sounded wonderful. Students could ask the bot questions, and they’d get answers right from the course documents. This evening, I played first with making my own GPT with ChatGPT...
The idea of loading up a bot with my course policies manual, short guide to the course, and the group guide sounded wonderful. Students could ask the bot questions, and they’d get answers right from the course documents. This evening, I played first with making my own GPT with ChatGPT...
4. 未经权益所有人同意不得将文件中的内容挪作商业或盈利用途。 5. 装配图网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。 6. 下载文件中如有侵权或不适当内容,请与我们联系,我们立即纠正。
If you are going to try to design a force feedback manual controller, it needs to be very high bandwidth. The structure needs to be very light, there needs to be no backlash and the actuators need to be backdrivable. The Phantom haptic device
Regional Lead for Venture Capital and Disruptive Technologies, East and SE AsiaIFC, World Bank Srini Nagarajan Managing Director & Head of Asia British International Investment Mingchen Xia Co-Head of Asia Investments Hamilton Lane Brian Lim Partner & Head of Asia and Emerging Markets Investment...