HitSign Into log in using your previously created account. Under theChoose Servicesection, selectCustom. Then, enter your domain name as the server address and hitDone. Fill in your email address and password, and then clickNext. You’ll be directed to the homepage, showing posts from people...
Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams Get early access and see previews of new features. Learn more about Labs giovannipds Software Engineer Member for 13 years, 1 month Last seen this week Twitter GitHub avenu...
DB用SQLDBA>grant connect, resource to in_stud identified by stud;ßIDM Task DB用SQLDBA>grant connect, resource to inr_stud identified by stud;ßIDM ref. DB用SQLDBA>grant connect, resource to inm_stud identified by stud;ßIDM Master DB用SQLDBA>alter user pd_stud 70、default ...
DB用SQLDBAgrant connect, resource to in_stud identified by stud;IDM Task DB用SQLDBAgrant connect, resour 47、ce to inr_stud identified by stud;IDM ref. DB用SQLDBAgrant connect, resource to inm_stud identified by stud;IDM Master DB用SQLDBAalter user pd_stud default tablespace tbs_3d ...
You can also query the Project Server database directly through views, which gives you access to rich project and resource information. The PDS provides methods to obtain the database connection information needed to connect to the Project Server database. You then can use views provided by the...
You can also query the Project Server database directly through views, which gives you access to rich project and resource information. The PDS provides methods to obtain the database connection information needed to connect to the Project Server database. You then can use views provided by the...
1 shows the workflow of PDS to deduce elders’ privacy in a smart home. First of all, PDS eavesdrops sensor data sent from the smart home and then preprocesses all sensor data that it has eavesdropped into a readable sensor log. Fig. 2 shows the format of the sensor log. Each log ...
By default, logs from the PDS are printed tostdoutand end up in Docker's log. You can browse them by running: [sudo] docker logs pds Note: these logs are not persisted, so they will be lost after server reboot. Alternatively, you can configure the logs to be printed to a file by ...
To log in to the database: make mysql To log in to the master container (use the same for monitor, mover, and database): make connect container=master Stopping OpenECPDS To stop the application, run: make down To clean the logs and data: make clean Deployment If you have succes...
PDSM4+ PDSME+ USER'S MANUAL Revision 1.1b The information in this User's Manual has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate. The vendor assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document, makes no commitment to update or to keep current the...