Securely manage your Windows devices PDQ Deploy & Inventory data is locally stored on your network, allowing you full control, offline operations, and more. We encrypt the password data we store for you as well as in-transit data. Read more in ourProduct Security Guide. ...
What is PDQ Deploy & Inventory? Automate your IT management with PDQ Deploy. Select the software you want to deploy (we have a pre-built library of over 200), specify which machines require updates, and set a preferred schedule for deployment. PDQ Deploy will automatically and silently apply...
PDQ Inventory makes it easy to identify devices exposed to Downfall. With a custom dynamic collection, we can filter for vulnerable devices and quickly generate a report from the filtered results. This example filters for Intel’s 6th – 11th generation Core-i3, i5, i7, and i9 processors and...
If your fleet is on-prem or hybrid,PDQ Deploy&Inventorymight fit the bill. These solutions work for devices connected to your LAN, but they can also deploy to remote endpoints connected to your VPN.