On July 18, 2023, Singapore’s data protection authority published proposed guidelines on the use of personal data in artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The guidelines will be up for public consultation until August 31, 2023, and aim to address how Singapore’s priva...
Wai Ming YapGina Ng
Overview of web technologies used by Pdpc.gov.sg. Website Background Personal Data Protection Commission Singapore | PDPC PDPC promotes and enforces personal data protection to foster an environment of trust among businesses and consumers, contributing to a vibrant Singapore economy. ...
responsible development and adoption of AI, which will be used by the Advisory Council to frame its deliberations; and (b) A Research Programme on the Governance of AI and Data Use to advance and inform scholarly research on AI governance issues which will be run by the Singapore Management ...
和之前新加坡的IDA认证有什么不同呢?有问题欢迎随时联系2016年10月份,原新加坡资讯通信发展管理局IDA(Infor-Communications Development Authority of Singapore... 分享回复赞 蓝思科技吧 jianshibuhui QC的七大手法品管新七大手法,也叫品管新七大工具,其作用主要是用较便捷的手法来解决一些管理上的问题,与原来的“旧”...
Bekakra, YoucefUniversity of El OuedTouil, SlimaneUniversity of El OuedZellouma, LaidUniversity of El OuedMalik, Om P.University of CalgarySpringer, SingaporeInternational Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications
the singapore national employers federation is the employer rep in the tripartite system in singapore. our vision is responsible Показатьбольше pdpc promotes and enforces personal data protection to foster an environment of trust among businesses and consumers, Показатьбо...