产品名称:BSS音箱处理器 PDP-DSP 数字音频处理器 产品价格:面议 关键词:BSS,PDP-DSP,数字音频处理器 产品说明:北京雨田创盛科技有限公司提供BSS音箱处理器 PDP-DSP 数字音频处理器产品信息,包括BSS音箱处理器 PDP-DSP 数字音频处理器产品详细介绍,BSS音箱处理器 PDP-DSP 数字音频处理器产品参数,3D图库等信息,显示的...
BSS 系统处理器 PDP-DSP: 产品品牌: 毕斯BSS 产品类别: 地址:代理:中国北京市朝阳区双桥中路 50 号院 电话: (联系就说在DAV音视工程网上看到的) 咨询 加入收藏 我要评价 厂商介绍: 毕斯BSSAudio成立与1978年,毕斯BSS品牌隶属美国哈曼HarMan国际集团有限公司。毕斯BSS一直在设计信号处理领域方面的产品,其...
BSS PDP-DSP(1/1) 支持键盘← →翻页 | 查看全图|全屏播放 PDP-DSP 信号处理器 8路模拟输入 (每通道带有幻象电源) 8路模拟输出信号预设通道 256通道, 低延时, 数字容错总线清晰的前面板LED指示灯双向定位功能 12路控制输入和6路GPIO逻辑输出 在IDX100系统中,使用2台PDP-DSP最多可以达到96路输出 来源:中...
PDP Plasma Display Panel 等离子显示板 PDP
Stay in control This convenient app allows the control of all key functions of the Alpine PDP-E802DSP digital DSP amplifier. Note that this app is not for sound tuning, but to operate the amplifier installed in your car. Features:
Remote Control for PDP-E80xDSP 4+ Motus Lab Designed for iPhone Free iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Stay in control This convenient app allows the control of all key functions of the Alpine PDP-E802DSP digital DSP amplifier. Note that this app is not for sound tuning, but to operate the ...
一、PDP 彩电电源板电路解析 1.电源板电路的基本组成 PDP 彩电的电源板电路十分复杂,令不少PDP 彩电维修初学者望而生畏,其实,仔细分析就会发现,其实并非“十分复杂”,而是由几个简单的开关电源组合而成,如图1 所示。从图1 可以看出,PDP 彩电的电源板电路主要由以下三部分电路组成: ...
With modern cars coming with increasingly complicated audio and infotainment systems, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to introducing an audio upgrade, however, with Alpine's second generation eight-channel DSP amplifier, virtually any vehicle can benefit from improved sound qual...
The AMMRC diffractometer subroutine package, DSP1, was developed to allow a PDP-8 computer with a 4K memory to control a 4-axis X-ray diffractometer in a variety of step scan and integrated intensity measurements in the AMMRC program of materials research. It is used in conjunction with ...