在 Windows 8.1 和 Windows 10 中,支持多个 PDP 上下文,并使应用能够通过特殊 PDP 上下文与移动网络以及 Windows 8 中支持的 Internet PDP 上下文进行通信。 可以使用此功能在 Windows 上创建差异化体验和创新服务。 你还可以与应用开发人员合作,为其客户开发高质量的 VOIP 和视频流式处理体验。
Windows 8.1 と Windows 10 では、複数の PDP コンテキストをサポートするために次の API が追加されています。 次のコードは、HTTP ベースのデータ転送にこれらの API を使用する方法を示しています。 syntax var connectivity = Windows.Networking.Connectivity; var currentRou...
妖快抗抉找抉把抑快 抉扭快把忘找抉把抑 批抗忘戒忘抖我, 折找抉 扼扭快扯我忘抖抆扶抑快 抗抉扶找快抗扼找抑 PDP 我技快攻找 抉忍把忘扶我折快扶扶批攻 扭把抉扭批扼抗扶批攻 扼扭抉扼抉忌扶抉扼找抆. 妤把我抖抉忪快扶我攸, 抗抉找抉把抑快 忘抗找我志我把批攻...
The PDP Xbox One controllers can work on a Windows PC. If the controller does not work immediately upon connecting to a PC, then you may need to update the official Microsoft drivers in your PC through Windows Update. The controllers work plug 'n' play with Win...
Windows 10⟩MSDN Disc 5063 Pdp.msi 錯誤 會顯示在基於 Windows 的電腦上的最常見 Pdp.msi 錯誤: "Pdp.msi 錯誤。" "Pdp.msi 遺失。" 「檔案遺失:Pdp.msi」 「無法載入 Pdp.msi。「 "Pdp.msi 登錄失敗。" "運行時間錯誤:Pdp.msi。" 「載入錯誤:Pdp.msi.「 ...
This striking controller, exclusively for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows 10/11, features a distinctive glow-in-the-dark design, 2-way true hair triggers, two programmable back buttons, and customizability through the PDP Control Hub app. Dual rumble motors and impulse triggers also...
• Comfortable, lightweight build for long gaming sessions• Immersive audio experience with powerful 50mm speaker drivers• Flexible, noise-canceling mic with the flip-to-mute feature• Compatible with Windows Sonic so you can enjoy spatial s...
PDP AIRLITE Pro Wireless Headset: Black For Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows 10/11 PC Options $75.00 current price $75.00 $84.99 Was $84.99 PDP AIRLITE Pro Wireless Headset: Black For Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows 10/11 PC ...
PS4, PS5, & WINDOWS 10/11 PC $39.99 PS5 & PC Frost White AIRLITE PRO Wired Headset $39.99 Add to cart Add to cart Make a connection with the PS5 & PC Frost White Airlite Pro Wired Headset! With expertly engineered audio, on-ear volume controls, and a lightweight construction...
PS4, PS5, & WINDOWS 10/11 PC $24.99 PS5 & PC Cosmic Red AIRLITE Headset $24.99 Add to cart Add to cart It’s time to level up your headset with the comfortable and lightweight Cosmic Red AIRLITE Wired Headset for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4! Noise-Cancelling Mic Lightwei...