to provide a well-tolerated new potential treatment option in the first-line setting for the one in three patients with HR-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer whose tumours develop ESR1 mutations during treatment with an aromatase inhibitor in combination with a CDK4/6 inhibitor. This...
PDL1抑制剂[+1] 在研机构 上海复星医药产业发展有限公司[+1] 原研机构 上海复宏汉霖生物制药有限公司 在研适应症 实体瘤[+3] 非在研适应症 广泛期小细胞肺癌[+1] 最高研发阶段临床2期 首次获批国家/地区- 首次获批日期1800-01-20 PM-1022 靶点 PDL1 x TIGIT 作用机制 PDL1抑制剂[+1] 在研机构 原研...
2、方法:免疫组织化学检测标本PDL-1、胰岛素和胰高血糖素的表达;RT-PCR、流式细胞仪和免疫印迹杂交用来检测细胞因子诱导人类胰岛B细胞系、EndoC-H1细胞系和人胰岛细胞的PDL-1、胰岛素的表达;预先证明的特异siRNA用来沉默STAT1、 STAT2、IRF1和JAK1信号通路;使用JAK抑制剂Ruxolitinib来证实关键的步骤; 使用6.0版本的...
13 Instructions for nivolumab injection, amended on March 11, 2020. [纳武利尤单抗注射液说明书. 修改日期2020年3月11日.] 14 PD-L1 inhibitor durvalumab was approved in China. Available at: 15 Instructions for atezolizuma...
Moreover, pladienolide B increases cytotoxic immune cell infiltration in the ID8 mouse model as a SF3B1 inhibitor and increases the expression of PD-L1 which can enhance the antitumor effect of 伪PDL1 in ovarian cancer. The data suggests that inhibition of SF3B1 improves the immune ...
Effects and translatomics characteristics of a small-molecule inhibitor of METTL3 against non-small cell lung cancer the heterogeneity based on its impact on the translatome.Furthermore,it can improve the immunotherapy outcomes based on PDL1 upregulation in NSCLC.doi... H Xiao,R Zhao,W Meng,...
In certain embodiments, the present invention provides multispecific antigen binding molecule comprising a first binding to PD-L1 binding specificity and tumor cell antigens, infected cells or antigen-specific T cell co-inhibitor binding a second binding specificity. 在一些实施方案中,本发明的抗体可用于...