This result is in agreement with the transport measurements on PDI8-CN2 field effect transistors, which show an 'always on' behavior. We also found evidences of the formation of a built-in potential in T6 / PDI8-CN2 and PDI8-CN2 / T6 interfaces, mainly from the T6 side. This also ...
PDI8-CN2Thin filmExcimer emissionGXRDAFMPhotoexcited ultra-thin films of the organic semiconductor N,N'-bis(n-octyl)-dicyanoperylene-3,4:9,10-bis dicarboximide (DPI8-CN2), grown on thermal Si/SiO2, exhibit an intense room temperature emission, strongly dependent on molecular coverage, even ...
你好,我是顺产加侧切的妈妈,现在已经21天了,本来就有痔疮,现在痔疮稍微严重了些,每天用清水洗洗,现在可以用妇炎洁洗吗? 分析及建议: 侧切的伤口也不建议用妇炎洁清洗,恩,现在主要的治疗就是调整饮食,多吃蔬菜水果,不要让大便干了,大便不好解可以用开塞露辅助排便,便后用温开水坐浴外洗,另外可以肛门局部用点药...
Single-Molecule Break Junctions Based on a Perylene-Diimide Cyano-Functionalized (PDI8-CN2) Derivativedoi:10.1186/s11671-015-1011-3Riccardo FrisendaL ParlatoMario BarraA CassineseSpringer USFrisenda, R.; Parlato, L.; Barra, M.; van der Zant, H. S. J.; Cassinese, A. Single-Molecule ...
CNR-SPINA. CassineseCNR-SPIN and Physics DepartmentOrganic ElectronicsF. Chiarella, M. Barra, A. Carella, L. Parlato, E. Sarnelli, and A. Cassinese, "Contact-resistance effects in PDI8-CN2 n-type thin- film transistors investigated by Kelvin-probe potentiometry," Organic Electron., vol....
In this paper, we report on the fabrication of n-type bottom-gate bottom-contact transistors, based on evaporated films of a perylene diimide derivative (PDI8-CN2), displaying electrical performances...doi:10.1007/s00339-018-2130-3Parlato, Loredana...
In this paper, nanoscale organic two-terminal devices, based on evaporated films of a perylene diimide derivative (PDI8-CN2) and with channel lengths ranging from 1 μm down to 50 nm, have been fabricated by using Focused Ion Beam technique. Devices have been characterized in terms of ...
Structure and morphology of PDI8-CN2 for n-type thin-film transistors. Liscio, Fabiola,Milita, Silvia,Albonetti, Cristiano,D’Angelo, Pasquale,Guagliardi, Antonietta,Masciocchi, Norberto,Della Valle, Raffaele Guido,Venuti, Elisabetta,Brillante, Aldo,Biscarini, Fabio. Advanced Functional Materials . ...
ORGANIC ELECTRONICSBuzio R, Gerbi A, Marre D, Barra M, Cassinese A. Electron injection barrier and energy-level alignment at the Au/PDI8-CN2 interface via current-voltage measurements and ballistic emission microscopy. Org Electron. 2015;18:44-53....
Since the morphological properties of PDI8-CN2 films are poorly influenced by the SiO2 treatment, all the differences observed in the DC electrical response and the bias stress performances of these devices can be mainly ascribed to the interface chemistry between the dielectric and the semiconductor...