but to make advancements in your career and gain a competitive edge in your industry. We offer engaging online PDH courses for engineers - accessible via desktop, tablet or mobile devices. Choose from more than 1,000 accredited engineer courses online, complete with video, real-world scenarios,...
Offering over 200 courses: pick from 2,800 hours of instruction! PDH packages for just $195 per year. check811 courses check39 instructors checkstar4.4 average course rating checkAudit proof checkCertificates stored for life Don Parnell, PE Ebook Engineering: Engineering Ethics Ethics – Practicing...
What are PDH courses for engineers? PDH courses for engineers are courses that a PE Professional Engineer needs to take in order to renew his or her license annually or biannually. (Image by Gerd Altmann) What are engineering continuing education courses?
Our online PDH courses are written by engineers to satisfy engineering CEU requirements. The professional engineer reviews and learns the course material at their own pace, all online, and can return anytime to take the course exam from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. After completing...
Courses Webinars Corporate Solutions State Requirements Help About PDH ONLINE EDUCATION FOR ENGINEERS 4,900+ PDH Course Library | 938,000 PDH Issued | 100.0% Acceptance Rate BROWSE COURSES FIND YOUR PDH Building Design Business Skills Civil Control Systems Electrical Engineering ...
DiscountPDH provides professional engineering continuing education, webinars & online PDH courses for engineers. PE continuing education.
DiscountPDHunlimited provides up to 795 hours of packaged online PDH courses for Engineers, Engineering Continuing Education PDH courses for PE Engineers, CE continuing education courses for Contractors, Architects, Geologists, and Land Surveyors.
Online Courses Alt./Ren. Energy Building Design Business Skills Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Management Environmental Engineering Ethics, Laws and Rules Geotechnical Engineering HVAC Engineering Industrial Engineering Material Engineering Mechanical Engineering Petroleum ...
PDH for Professional Engineers License Renewal Does your PDH provider … 1.Publish REAL courses or just copies of government documents? 2.Have a history of courses being rejected by state licensing boards? 3.Have LEGITIMATE subject matter experts or does one guy “write” all the courses?
Board Approved Engineering Continuing Education for Professional Engineers (PE) License renewal with online courses for PDH, CPD, CPC, & CEU