别名: IBGC5,PDGF-2,PDGF2,SIS,SSV,c-sis 基因ID: 5155 Chromosome:(GRCh37) 22 Start: 39619364 End: 39640756 Strand: -1 药物: 达沙替尼 伊马替尼 PDGFB 基因突变与药物 EBF1-PDGFRB PDGFB 基因突变 EBF1-PDGFRB Allele Registry ID:别名: ClinVar ID: 基因突变位点 Ref. Build: Ensembl Version...
血小板源性生长因子受体B抗体(PDGFRβ),Anti-PDGF Receptor beta/PDGFRB产品信息: 中文名称:血小板源性生长因子受体B抗体(PDGFRβ),Anti-PDGF Receptor beta/PDGFRB 英文名称:Anti-PDGF Receptor beta/PDGFRB 别名: CD140B; Beta platelet derived growth factor receptor; Beta-type platelet-derived growth factor re...
In addition, the PDGFB gene amplification and PDGFB/PDGFRB mRNA levels were quantified by a real-time PCR system for the samples in which the fusion transcripts had been successfully detected. The fusion transcripts were detected in 42 of 57 samples. Various exons of the COL1A1 gene were ...
Nicolas G, Richard AC, Pottier C, Verny C, Durif F, Roze E, Favrole P, Rudolf G, Anheim M, Tranchant C, Frebourg T, Campion D, Hannequin D (2014) Overall mutational spectrum of SLC20A2, PDGFB and PDGFRB in idiopathic basal ganglia calcification. Neurogenetics. : 10.1007/...
Functional Characterization of Germli ne Mutations in PDGFB and PDGFRB in Primary Familial Brain Cal cification. Vanlandewijck,M,T.Lebouvier,M.Andaloussi Mae,K.Nahar,S.Hornemann,D.Kenkel,S.I.Cunha,J.Lennartsson,A.Boss,C.H.Heldin,A.Keller,C.Betsholtz. PLo S One . 2015...
Growth Factor Screening in Dystrophic Muscles Reveals PDGFB/PDGFRB-Mediated Migration of Interstitial Stem Cellsdoi:10.3390/IJMS20051118Jordi CampsHanne GrosemansRik GijsbersChrista MaesMaurilio SampaolesiMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
PDGFB 突变位点 基因序列 PDGFB EBF1-PDGFRB 别名 Allele Registry ID: ClinVar ID:突变位点 Ref. Build: Ensembl Version: null Chr. Start Stop Ref. s Var. Bases null null Transcript基因序列 癌基因 靶向药 医生 医院癌症分类 肺癌 乳腺癌 胃癌 肝癌 结直肠癌 食管癌 子宫癌 卵巢癌 宫颈癌 前列...