I have a machine with Windows 8, Office 2013 and Acrobat X. I'm having trouble with the PDF maker add-in. In Word and Excel, the add-in is listed as "active" but I have no Acrobat toolbar and it does not appear on the ribbon. In Outlook, the add-in is listed as "inactive"...
It allows me to check the box to activate it, but remains in the "inactive" list regardless of how many times I try to activate it. We have another machine in the office that uses the same hardware and same software versions, and the add-ins work on it just fine. I have run ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于PDF maker add-in的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及PDF maker add-in问答内容。更多PDF maker add-in相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Office 2010, 2013, or 2016 Solution 5: Repair Acrobat installation when other apps aren't running Solution 6: Remove and reinstall Acrobat with Windows in a simplified mode Device drivers and programs that start automatically when you start your computer can conflict with the Acrobat installer and...
PDFMaker-Symbole werden nicht in der Symbolleiste angezeigt, wenn eine Office-Anwendung abstürzt und dabei die COM-Add-In-Datei deaktiviert. Andere COM-Add-In-Dateien und Makros können Konflikte mit der COM-Add-In-Datei für PDFMaker verursachen und die Anzeige des Menüs „In Adobe PD...
如果计算机上安装了 Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM 加载项,并且 Office 程序崩溃或未响应,则可能意味着已安装的 PDFMaker 版本与 Office 版本不兼容。 详细信息 若要验证是否已在计算机上安装 PDFMaker 外接程序,请执行以下步骤: Office 2010:打开任何Office 应用复制,然后选择“文件>加载项”。
如果计算机上安装了 Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM 加载项,并且 Office 程序崩溃或未响应,则可能意味着已安装的 PDFMaker 版本与 Office 版本不兼容。 详细信息 若要验证是否已在计算机上安装 PDFMaker 外接程序,请执行以下步骤: Office 2010:打开任何Office 应用复制,然后选择“文件>加载项”。
1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs (Windows 2000) or Start > Control Panel > Add Or Remove Programs (Windows XP). 2. Select Microsoft Office, and click Change. 3. In the Setup dialog box, choose Reinstall (Office 2003) or Repair (Office XP), and then ...
Enable the COM add-in file in the Office application. (激活附加在Office程序上的PDFMaker文件的方法:) 1. Start the Office application. (打开Office程序,或Word或Excel) 2. Choose Help > About [application]. (点选主菜单中的“帮助”,再点击“关于Microsoft Office Word”或“关于Microsoft Office Excel...
Enable the COM add-in file in the Office application. (激活附加在Office程序上的PDFMaker文件的方法:) 1. Start the Office application. (打开Office程序,或Word或Excel) 2. Choose Help > About [application]. (点选主菜单中的“帮助”,再点击“关于Microsoft Office Word”或“关于Microsoft Office ...