PDF-XChange develops fast, light PDF software for viewing, converting, and editing PDF documents, with unparalleled support and service, including the Best PDF Reader - as voted by Life Hacker Readers.
PDF-XChange develops fast, light PDF software for viewing, converting, and editing PDF documents, with unparalleled support and service, including the Best PDF Reader - as voted by Life Hacker Readers.
PDF-XChange develops fast, light PDF software for viewing, converting, and editing PDF documents, with unparalleled support and service, including the Best PDF Reader - as voted by Life Hacker Readers.
PDF-XChange Viewer是一款多功能的PDF阅读器,它完全免费,需安装.NETframework才能执行。它具有丰富的标注功能、多页签显示、强大的导出图像功能、批量搜索、放大与导航功能。支持中文注释。软件介绍 PDF-XChange Viewer能够利用任何Windows的软件,比如说 Word、Excel、AutoCad来制作与Adobe相兼容的PDF文件。它具有丰富的...
1、启动 PDF-XChange Editor 打开您的计算机上已安装的 PDF-XChange Editor 软件。在 PDF-XChange Editor 中,选择“文件”>“打开”,浏览并选择需要转换的 PDF 文件,然后点击“打开”。2、选择导出功能 在顶部菜单栏中点击“文件”,然后在下拉菜单中选择“导出为 Microsoft Word 文档”。在弹出的“另存为”...
PDF-XChange Viewer(PDF阅读器)v2.5.322.10是一款简易实用,功能强大的pdf阅读器,与福昕阅读器、克克PDF阅读器等同类精简版的阅读器相比,它具有更丰富的文档注释功能,支持绘图标注、中文注释、图像导出功能等,与强大的Adobe Reader相比体积小巧,而常用功能却一个都不少,有喜欢的的小伙伴快来下载吧!
PDF-XChange Editor is therefore a fully-featured PDF editor. With its help you are able to edit, correct, add, or remove text effortlessly. Graphics can also be moved, resized, or removed. What are our customer's saying I am completely satisfied with everything about my purchase of Camtasi...
PDF-XChange Editor注释链接的获取与打开 下面介绍下如何在PDF-XChange Editor中生成注释(批注)链接。 主要是通过给PDFXEdit.exe传入相关参数来实现的,PDFXEdit.exe支持如下的命令行参数: /A page=页码;comment=批注ID "PDF文件路径" /A:表示打开文件。
PDF-XChange Editor,号称打开速度最快最强大的PDF编辑器/PDF阅读器,PDF-XChange专注于PDF文档的编辑,打开PDF文件速度非常快,并且功能强大,我们可以使用它自定义制作PDF电子文档,它具有创建,查看,编辑,注释,审阅,添加水印,签名保护,PDF格式转换,PDF文档打印,扫描仪识别,OCR识别页面等功能,对于日常pdf操作完全够用了。