To save a measurement as a comment, select the Hand tool, right-click the measurement, and clickConvert To Comment. To discontinue a measurement, right-click and chooseCancel Measurement. To delete a measurement markup, click it with the3D Measurement Tooland press Delete. Piezīme. To learn ...
拔出,抽出 Disconnect the electrical wires (5) from the voltmeter (1) with the contact extraction tool. 使用插钉拔出工具从电压表(1)上拆下电线(5) 。 46 static inverter n.静变流机 Nominal adj.额定的 DC n.直流电 Single phase n.单相 The static inverter, with a 1000VA nominal power, ...
Hence, it is important to reach consensus on the development outcomes of a country with those peer countries before any results are presented. of its relevant peers. The tool instantly identifies Country teams should be guided by their knowl- where a country is an outlier and allows users edge...
capacity.23.Whenmeasuringhydraulicpressure,checkthat Installtheliftingequipmentatthecorrectplaces.themeasuringtooliscorrectlyassembledbefore Useahoistorcraneandoperateslowlytopre-takinganymeasurements. ventthecomponentfromhittinganyotherpart. 24.Takecarewhenremovingorinstallingthetracks Donotworkwithanypartstillraisedby...
with Announcement 带通知的呼叫保持 CHAN CHargc ANalysis 计费分析 CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol 口令握手认立E协议 CHAS CHanncl Associated Signaling 随路信令 CHC CHannel Controller 通道控制器 CHD Call HanDling 呼叫处理 CHI CHannel Interface 通道接口 CHILL CCITT High Level Language CCITT ...
Finally, the app also includes cool features, such as asnapshottool,document previewwhen opening a file, and a wide range of interfacelanguage options. Beginners will also be happy to know that there aretooltipsavailable. With this, you will know what you are doing before you click. This is...
非常抱歉 该页面暂时无法访问,您可以到虚拟主机控制台重新启动站点 或者您可以先逛逛这里:虚拟主机帮助文档>>
489 ISO 22402-2-2022 2022-02-01 English Medium-transfer units for tool interfaces — Part 2: Transfer units for polygonal taper interfaces in accordance with the ISO 26623 series - First edition 490 ISO 25552-2022 2022-02-01 English Ageing societies — Framework for dementia-inclusive communitie...
As of 2018 - With the new Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (creative cloud), 1. Simply click Edit PDF (on the right) 2. Select All (ctrl + A) 3. Copy (ctrl + C) 4. Create a new PDF that's big enough to hold all your pages (use the measure tool if necessary to measure the in...
Non-Metropolitan Local Consultation Process: A Self-Assessment Tool for States Revision 1 27页 AASHTO MPAS-2006 中文翻译版 Measuring Performance Among State DOTs Revision 1 69页 AASHTO MSD-2006 中文翻译版 Maintaining Strategic Direction for Protecting America's Transportation System Revision 1 ...