You can also take a look at the review of the program at by following the link below: Go to the review Sejda PDF Type:PDF viewer, PDF editor & PDF manager Operating system:Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Upgrade price:$64 annually for a Desktop+Web license, or $7.50 per month...
PDF-XChange Viewer专业版是一款使用性很广泛的PDF阅读器,该软件能够帮助使用者实现不同的PDF查阅需要,还包括内容标注、多页签显示、图像导出、批量搜索等。PDF-XChange Viewer专业版可以利用任何Windows的软件,比如说 Word、Excel、AutoCad来制作与Adobe相兼容的pdf文件,它还能够当作打印机使用,以代替传统的纸质输出。
知马丁: 强烈推荐PDF-XChange Viewer,功能强大,界面好看,除了几处个人觉得应该改进的地方,如没有分屏...
I still worry that Viewer Pro may not be enough and might have to buy X-Change Pro (partly because of PDF Tools bundled in it) instead (wish that was on sale!!). So my question: is there any new and upcoming major features for X-Change Pro as well like the v3 upgrade for viewer...
How to Change PDF Viewer from Chrome to Adobe. If you’re ever wondering, 'Why are my PDFs opening in Chrome,’ you may have Google Chrome set as your web browser. When you try to view a PDF, it may automatically open up in Chrome instead of Adobe. This could be for several reaso...
PDF Studio Viewer(pdf阅读器)官方版是一款极易上手,功能强大的免费pdf阅读器,不仅使用它来方便的查看各种pdf文件之外,还可以在pdf文件中添加箭头、图形、注释等额外元素,变相实现一些pdf编辑功能。 版本说明下载地址 MuPDF轻量级pdf阅读器查看 福昕pdf阅读器阅读PDF文档的理想选择查看 ...
Why change your default PDF viewer to something else? The default PDF viewer on your computer is a great option for quickly glancing at a PDF. However, while viewing a PDF you may notice changes that need to be made within it. Most default PDF viewers do not have the necessary tools to...
For me - I don't tend to like having a PDF viewer installed on my servers. However, if I did *have* to have one, I'd probably use one of the thumb-drive, non-install readers like Sumatra PDF Portable.G. Samuel Hays, MCT, MCSA 2012, MCITP: Enterprise Admin, MCSE...
vue.js pdf viewer is a package for Vue that enables you to display and view PDF's easily via vue components. Install via NPM/Yarn npm install vue-pdf yarn add vue-pdf Example - basic <template> <pdfsrc="./path/to/static/relativity.pdf"></pdf> </template> importpdffrom'vue-pdf'exp...
ngx-extended-pdf-viewer/assets/ Version: 779 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw 1 {"version":3,"sources":["webpack://pdfjs-dist/build/pdf/webpack/universalModuleDefinition","webpack://pdfjs-dist/build/pdf/src/display/display_utils.js","webpack://pdfjs-dist/build/pdf/src/shared...