可以将PDF转换为可编辑的Word文档。 ABBYY FineReader: 高精度OCR工具,支持多种语言。 可以将PDF转换为Word文档,并保留格式。 在线OCR工具: 如OCR.space、OnlineOCR等。 方便快捷,无需安装软件。 步骤2:使用OCR工具进行转换Adobe Acrobat Pro: 打开Adobe Acrobat Pro。
importfitz# pdf转为图片PfromaipimportAipOcr# 图片文字识别importtime# 程序运行时间间隔以避免出错importdocx# 将识别结果保存为docx文件fromdocx.oxml.nsimportqn# 设置docx文件的字体""" 你的 APPID AK SK """APP_ID='23xxxx49'API_KEY='lBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx79'SECRET_KEY='NGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
The online application uses a simple drag-and-drop feature that allows you to drag PDF files into the application easily.You can convert your PDF document to Word easily with this tool. Even with its free plan, there is no file size limit. You do not have to register to use Smallpdf’...
Question 1: How to identify scanned PDF and native PDF? Broadly speaking, scanned PDF and native PDF are two types of PDF. To identify scanned and native PDF, you just need to figure out if the text is searchable or not in the PDF. If the words can be searched in the PDF, it is...
操作方法: 1、打开软件选择左侧工具栏“PDF转Word”后,点击右侧页面“+”添加PDF文档或直接将所有需要转换的PDF文件拖到该转换区域; 2、文档添加后,点击右下角的“开始转换”即可所有文档同时开始转换...选择“PDF to Word”进入转换; 2、点击页面上传文件并添加需要转换的PDF文档,这里也可以一键批量添加多个文件,...
Finally, click "Apply" after choosing the parameters and wait for the OCR to be completed.Step 3: Search for Words in a Scanned PDFDepending on which conversion option you picked in the previous step, you'll either be able to find and replace text within the PDF document or simply find ...
Many documents are stored in scanned PDF, which are actually in image formats. These documents are not easy for archiving or indexing.PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Lineis a good helper for recognize words and text in scanned PDF.
This AI-powered online tool can OCR PDF file and pictures for free. You can use it to recognize the words in your PDF, PNG, JPG, etc.
("识别成功!")# step3 结果保存ifpath.exists(outfile):os.remove(outfile)document=Document()fortextinmessage["words_result"]:document.add_paragraph(text["words"])document.save(outfile)baiduOCR(picfile,outfile)# picfile:你实际的png文件名# outfile:输出结果的文件名# pdf 转 wordfrompdf2docximport...