一、访问CreatePDF网站 打开你的网页浏览器。 在浏览器的地址栏中输入CreatePDF的官方网址(由于网址可能随时间变化,建议通过搜索引擎搜索“CreatePDF”找到官方网站)。 二、选择PDF转Word功能 进入CreatePDF官方网站后,你会看到页面上有多个转换选项。 寻找并点击“PDF转Word”选项。这个选项通常会清晰地标注在首页上,...
15),default_element_size=(50,1))# 事件循环whileTrue:event,values=window.read()ifeventin(None,'关闭程序'):breakifevent=='开始转化':ifvalues['file']and re.findall(r'\.(\S+)',values['file'])[0]=='pdf':fileName=values['file']pdf_to_word(fileName)print('\n---转化完毕--...
frompdf2docximportConverterimportre# 传入文件绝对路径defpdf_to_word(fileName): pdf_file = fileName# 正则获取不含文件类型后缀的部分,用于组成word文档绝对路径name = re.findall(r'(.*?)\.',pdf_file)[0] docx_file =f'{name}.docx'cv = Converter(pdf_file) cv.convert(docx_file, start=0, ...
Convert your PDF files into Word documents. Going from PDF back to an easily editable Word document is simple with Adobe Acrobat. Start free trial Watch the video Copying and pasting from your PDF to create a Microsoft Word document isn’t just hard work. It’s busywork. Now you can conv...
对于PDF转换成word文档,我想很多人都了解过,那就是需要付费,而且很贵,但是如果你会Python,只要你会Python这么问题都不再是问题。 下面我们一起来看看看Python是如何将脚本pdf转word、doc转docx、word转html各种格式都有的吧! pdf文件转换为word文件 Word文件转换为pdf文件 ...
另外,pdf转word有现成的第三方库pdf2docx,同时关于gui我们用的是pysimplegui,打包成exe采用的是pyinstaller。在创建虚拟环境后,我们将这些需要用到的第三方库也一一安装吧。 # 创建虚拟环境 conda create -n env_pdf python=3.8.8 # 激活虚拟环境 conda activate env_pdf ...
Step 2: Go to the "Insert" tab located in the Word ribbon at the top of the window. the Step 3: Within the "Text" group, select "Object" to open the Object dialog box. select Step 4: Choose the "Create from File" option and click the "Browse" button to locate the PDF file yo...
The DOCX format has been the standard format for Microsoft Word documents since 2007, replacing DOC. Microsoft Word is used widely in homes, workplaces and educational settings to create formatted text documents like reports, letters or resumes. As well as text, DOCX files can include pictures,...
WPS Office stands out with its all-in-one suite, offering both PDF tools and word processing in a single window. This setup allows users to seamlessly copy-paste text and create new Word documents within the same interface. With the added benefit of being free, it's an option worth explor...
TheONLYOFFICEeditors are based on the same engine, so the online and desktop versions come with similar editing functionality and user interface. The suite has all the required features to create and edit text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, andcreate pdf forms, including Word,Excel, andPowe...