Then, in the "Convert" tab, click on the option "To Excel". A dialog box for Excel conversion will open. Adjust settings as required for your Excel sheet. Now click on the button "Save" and PDFelement will provide you with a high-quality Excel file from your scanned document....
With Sheets("Sheet1") For r = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row thePDF = ThisWorkbook.Path &"\PDF文件\" & .Cells(r, 1) Set PDDoc =CreateObject("AcroExch.pdDoc") If Not PDDoc.Open(thePDF) ThenMsgBox "不能打开文件", vbExclamation: Exit Sub pNum = PDDoc.GetNumPages For i...
Follow the prompts to import the data from the PDF file. If there isn't that much data, I would recommend converting it to Excel beforehand (see inserted file in Excel) and then using the data through the Excel sheet. Otherwise, when there is many data, you should pay attention to a ...
With Sheets("Sheet1") For r = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row thePDF = ThisWorkbook.Path &"\PDF文件\" & .Cells(r, 1) Set PDDoc =CreateObject("AcroExch.pdDoc") If Not PDDoc.Open(thePDF) ThenMsgBox "...
Step 3. Click on each table for locating the right one you would like to copy. If you want, you can transform the data just by editing a few cells. However, it is easier once you copy the data into the Excel sheet. Step 4. Click on Load for doing this. The table from the PDF...
iLovePDF is your number one web app for editing PDF with ease. Enjoy all the tools you need to work efficiently with your digital documents while keeping your data safe and secure. Get more with Premium Complete projects faster with batch file processing, convert scanned documents with OCR and...
如果在 SharePoint 或 One Drive 预览中打开文件,则从顶部菜单栏,选择打开>在 Adobe Acrobat 中打开。 注意: 如果用户看不到“在 Adobe Acrobat 中打开”选项,管理员必须确保为其组织中的用户配置了 SharePoint 和 OneDrive。 在桌面应用程序中打开 PDF 文件 ...
Discover powerful and intuitive tools to work with PDFs anytime, anywhere Easily manage PDF, Office, and image files in your browser, on desktop, and on mobile devices with Xodo – the ultimate all-in-one document solution. Get the most out of your files with Xodo ...
ProcessStartInfo(sheet.Name + ".pdf") { UseShellExecute = true }; process.Start(); } }A complete working example to convert each worksheet into individual PDF in C# is present on this GitHub page.Excel with chart to PDFXlsIO supports to convert a workbook/worksheet with charts or a ...