Then, in the "Convert" tab, click on the option "To Excel". A dialog box for Excel conversion will open. Adjust settings as required for your Excel sheet. Now click on the button "Save" and PDFelement will provide you with a high-quality Excel file from your scanned document. After co...
Step 3. Click on each table for locating the right one you would like to copy. If you want, you can transform the data just by editing a few cells. However, it is easier once you copy the data into the Excel sheet. Step 4. Click on Load for doing this. The table from the PDF...
With Sheets("Sheet1") For r = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row thePDF = ThisWorkbook.Path &"\PDF文件\" & .Cells(r, 1) Set PDDoc =CreateObject("AcroExch.pdDoc") If Not PDDoc.Open(thePDF) ThenMsgBox "不能打开文件", vbExclamation: Exit Sub pNum = PDDoc.GetNumPages For i...
I'm sharing the eight methods I tested to copy tables from PDFs to Excel. Whether you need a quick fix for a one-time task or a robust solution for thousands of documents, you'll find one that fits your needs. No more wasted afternoons manually retyping or reformatting PDF data — j...
iLovePDF is your number one web app for editing PDF with ease. Enjoy all the tools you need to work efficiently with your digital documents while keeping your data safe and secure. Get more with Premium Complete projects faster with batch file processing, convert scanned documents with OCR and...
Drag & drop almost any file format—like Microsoft Word documents, Excel, PPT, or image files—into the tool to create a PDF. You can also convert a PDF back into these formats. Once the file is ready, download it instantly. Security & Privacy We are serious about your security and ...
With Sheets("Sheet1") For r = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row thePDF = ThisWorkbook.Path &"\PDF文件\" & .Cells(r, 1) Set PDDoc =CreateObject("AcroExch.pdDoc") If Not PDDoc.Open(thePDF) ThenMsgBox "...
' 通用函数:将一个pdf文件内容读取到Excel工作表 ' 提取pdf内容的工作表名为:PDF内容 '若“PDF内容”工作表已存在,将删除后重建 SubImp_Into_XL(PDF_File As String)DimAC_PDAs Acrobat.AcroPDDoc Dim AC_Hi As Acrobat.AcroHiliteList DimAC_PGAs Acrobat.AcroPDPage ...
Part 3. How to Convert Excel to PDF Without Losing Formatting on Mac How to Convert Excel to PDF and Keep Formatting on Windows 10 If you use a Windows PC, there are various ways to save an Excel spreadsheet as a PDF. Try beneficial converters to do it. One is EaseUS PDF Editor, ...
Method 1 – Using the Page Setup Feature to Fit an Excel Sheet on One PDFPage Step 1: Checking If It Fits on One Page Go to theFiletab. SelectPrint. InPrint Preview, you will be able to see the number of pages. Here,2pages. ...