这一篇推荐的工具是PDF.JS,它的重要性在于,配合下方两款取词插件,可以在PDF取词后直接制卡生成到Anki之中。你没看错,是在PDF文件取词! 日语取词YOMICHAN:工具篇--日语学习大杀器一(Anki connect+Yomichan for Chrome) 英语取词可以使用Anki划词助手:英语插件? 有这一个就够了--工具篇【Anki划词制卡助手】 - ...
You can add your own flashcards too, study in multiple choice question, write or blurt mode, or export generated flashcards to Anki. Cover the whole lecture Shows subtopics as you master each topic! "Explain why"/Cite Source for each flashcard Feel confident with indepth questions Easily...
PDF Guru Anki是一款以PDF为中心的多功能办公学习工具箱软件,包含四大板块功能:PDF实用工具箱、Anki制卡神器、Anki最强辅助、视频笔记神器,软件功能众多且强大,熟练运用可以大幅提高办公和学习效率,绝对是您不可多得的效率神器。人生苦短,我用Guru! anki-flashcardspdf-watermarkpdf-toolboxmarkdown-to-ankipdf-to-ank...
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It creates flashcards. You can use this to review for your exams. You can answer the online quiz it generates or download it as an Anki or Word file. The problem with Revision.ai is that it takes 5 minutes to create the flash cards. Is it worth the wait? Yes, it is. From the ...
cards.md flake.lock flake.nix license.txt makefile README MIT license Rust Flashcards Over 550 flashcards to learnRustfrom first principles. The cards are written in markdown and based on the officialRust Book. Either get theAnkideck directly fromAnkiWeb - Rust Flashcardsor download the lates...
这些分别代表新卡片数 New ,学习中的卡片数 Learning ,以及待复习的卡片数 To Reviewing。 如果你不想看 见这些数字,可以在 Anki 的首选项里将它们关闭。 注意 复习 reviews 数量为队列中需要完成所有卡片的数量,而不是卡片 Cards 的数量。 如果你为失误卡片设定了多重步伐,当你答错一张卡片 时,它会增加到...
AnkiApp Inc 4.4 • 10 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 Mac iPhone iPad 简介 记得更多,背得更快。 暗记app是一款帮您提升记忆与背诵效率的工具软件,它独特的科学运算法让记忆过程变得简短有效,任何内容(图像、文字、语音、视频)都可通过它来实现快速记忆。 暗记攻略 1)获取您的暗记包 什么是暗记包?就...
A rich vocabulary is the key to expressing oneself clearly. Start with common words and phrases used in everyday conversations and gradually move to more complex terms. Flashcards, mobile apps like Anki, and websites such as Vocabulary.com can be instrumental in this phase. Practicing Listening...
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