孙子兵法 中英文对照 孙子兵法 中英文对照 The Art of War The Art of War 始计第一 始计第一 Laying Plans Laying Plans 孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。 孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。 Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to...
孙子兵法TheArtofWar英汉对照5.pdf,孙子兵法 The Art of War (英汉对照 5 ) Translated by Lionel Giles 谋攻第三 III. Attack by Stratagem 孙子曰:夫用兵之法,全国为上,破国次之;全军为上,破军次 之;全旅为上,破旅次之;全卒 为上,破卒次之;全伍为上,破伍次之
12 TheArtofWar By SunTzu Translatedby Lionel Giles I. Laying Plans said:Theartofwaris of vital importancetotheState. is amatteroflifeanddeath,aroadeithertosafetyortoruin. Henceitis a subjectof ountbe neglected. ,then, isgovernedbyfiveconstantfactors,tobe ountinone's deliberations,whenseekingto...
introducedthe English-speakingworldtoaneffectivetranslationofSunTzuBingFa,literallytranslatedas SunTzuonWarMethods.LionelGilespublishedhistranslationthroughLuzacandCo.in LondonandShanghaiunderthemorecommercialtitle,SunTzuontheArtofWar. Althoughwrittenin1910,thistranslationofSunTzu'sworkcontinuestobethestandardfrom ...
THE ART OF WAR 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者: 作者:Tzu Sun 出品人: 页数:112 译者:John Minford 出版时间:2008-4 价格:95.00元 装帧: isbn号码:9780140455526 丛书...
THE ART OF WAR VERY LITTLE IS POSITIVELY KNOWN ABOUT SUN TZU. The only ancient Chinese biography was written some four centuries after he lived; there Sun Tzu is described as belonging to the Chinese aristocracy that no longer owned much land, so he became a mercenary. The only fixed ...
战争的艺术(The Art of War)简介: A fundamental work by one of the greatest political and military theorists of Western civilization. Voltaire said, "Machiavelli taught Europe the art of war; it had long been practiced, without being known." For Machiavelli, war was war, and victory the supre...
《The_Art_of_War_孙子兵法》内容简介: “The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tac...
++Sun Hsing-yen follows the Tung Tien here and drops the character shih "matters," "factors," or "affairs." Without it the verse does not m 孫子兵法 the art of war by sun tzu translated by Samuel Griffith 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. ...
This book was a bit random and a bit out of my comfort zone but I really liked it honestly the whole book is so beautiful。 Last 5 pages were a bit tedious to get through but apart from that I really liked it。 The art work in this book was absolutely stunning。 Prama7h , 2022...