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3.洞穴理论:Allegoryofthecave(重点中的重点!!!) 寓意:gooutfromthecave,knowyourselfandascent(上升)totheintellectual(聪明的)world, self-discovery 内容:在一个地下洞穴中有一些囚徒,他们身后有一堆火把,在囚徒与火把之间是被操纵的 木偶。因为囚徒们的身体被捆绑着(不能转身),所以他们只能看见木偶被火光投射在...
理想国-The cave allegory-汉英对照 理想国 The allegory 汉英 对照 《理想国--The cave allegory--汉英对照.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《理想国--The cave allegory--汉英对照.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。温馨提示: 1: 本站所有资源如无特殊说明,都需要本地电脑安装OFFICE2007和PDF阅...
Learn the Famous Allegory of the Cave Even if you don’t know anything about Plato, you must have heard something about his famousAllegory of the Cave. Well, you can find that allegory in “The Republic.” It’s bothbeautiful and unforgettable. It concerns a group of people who’ve lived...
Form 正确答案:D 2 单选 Plato is known for his famous allegory of the cave, which tells us that ___ . A. we all live in the cave all our lives 严禁转载 Toyzz 3/15 原创力 Toyzz B. we see shadows and take them to be real figures C. people there are chained in legs and...
这本书讲的是“成人电影”。书中对各类成人电影有很多非常露骨的描绘,应该说让人“大开眼界”。也学会了不少“业内”术语。哈哈。但这本书绝不色情,而是非常严谨地从哲学心理学认知学角度,分析成人电影中体现出的深刻问题。非常有趣的一本书。 书从著名的柏拉图Allegory of... ...
“The Allegory of the Cave” is a story suitable for the entire world. We warmly recommended it to all people who want to change their own little world. Plato Biography Platois one of those figures who needs no introduction, due to his achievements in the early stages of civilization. ...
柏拉图“洞穴之喻”柏拉图“洞⽳之喻”《理想国》的第7卷,柏拉图作了⼀个著名的⽐喻,其直接⽬的是要揭⽰受过教育的⼈与没受过教育的⼈本质的不同及相关问题,⼈们⼀般称之为“洞⽳之喻”(Allegory of the Cave),它讲了⼀个⼈如何经历了猜测世界、信仰世界、形式世界和理念世界的过程...
关键词: 摹拟 表现 柏拉图 技艺 有关历史表现的讨论兴起于20世纪80年代,a在此之前,西方哲学中所 * [基金项目]本文系国家社科基金重大项目“20世纪的历史学和历史学家”(项目编号: 19ZDA235)的阶级性成果。a 相关研究首推怀特《形式的内容》(Hayden V. White, The Content of the Form: ...
Plato's famous "Allegory of the Cave" sits, after all, at the foundation of Western philosophy. But it is at the same time a psychological analysis of how we are imprisoned by misinterpreting facts: in this case, taking shadows on a cave wall as if they were real objects, instead of ...