Step 3.You will see a new text box on the page. Just type plain text inside it and then click on the "A" icon to edit the font properties like size, color, and placement. Finally, hit "File" > "Export as PDF" to export this edited file. Final Words Now, you know "how to ch...
Stringtext="居中文本";floattextWidth=font.getStringWidth(text)/1000*fontSize;floatstartX=(page.getMediaBox().getWidth()-textWidth)/2; 添加文本到页面:使用PDPageContentStream对象将文本添加到页面中。 代码语言:java 复制 PDPageContentStreamcontentStream=newPDPageContentStream(document,page);contentStream....
TextBox.AddText(PdfFont Font, Double FontSize, String Text, String WebLink); 添加网络链接TextBox。文本属性由DrawStyle和定义FontColor。 TextBox.AddText(PdfFont Font, Double FontSize, DrawStyle DrawStyle, Color FontColor, String Text, String WebLink); 第二步绘制文本到内容。此方法假设没有额外的...
" ).setStyle(XEasyPdfTextStyle.LEFT).setFontSize(14F).setMargin(10F)// 构建文本 ,"-- by xsx" ).setStyle(XEasyPdfTextStyle.RIGHT).setFontSize(12F).setMarginTop(10F).setMarginRight(10F)// 构建文本 ,"2020.03.12" ...
旋转文本:使用PDFBox的PDPageContentStream类的setTextRotation(double angle, float x, float y)方法来旋转文本。其中,angle参数表示旋转角度,x和y参数表示旋转中心的坐标。 编写旋转文本的代码:在页面内容流中使用PDPageContentStream的beginText()、setFont(PDFont font, float fontSize)、newLineAtOffset(float x,...
#content-box> 下的一级节点 例如:见示例:块示例 <table data-op-type="block-box" style="font-size: 16px"> <thead> <tr><th>ID</th><th>name</th></tr> </thead> <tbody class="nop-fill-box"> <tr><td>1</td><td>name1</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td><td>name2</td></tr...
This option compresses text and line art, overriding compression selections on the Images panel.Default Page Size Specifies the page size to use when one is not specified in the original file. EPS files give a bounding box size, not a page size. Images panel options...
If a font cannot be substituted, the text appears as bullets, and Acrobat displays an error message. Find PostScript font names If you need to enter a font name manually on the Fonts panel of theAdobe PDFSettings dialog box, you can use a PDF to find the exact spelling of the name. ...
・Edit PDF text. Easily fix typos or other inaccurate content. Fast change the font color, size and style. ・Modify PDF images such as cropping, rotating, deleting, replacing, etc. Easily resize or move images for a better layout. ...
Click the text box to select it. You can type in text, drag the corners to adjust the size, or move the text box to a new spot on the PDF. Select the text box to adjust its formatting. You can add a border, adjust the font or background color, change the font, and more. ...