个人税收居民身份声明文件-浙商银行.pdf,个人税收居民身份声明文件 Individual Tax Residency Declaration Form 一、注意事项 Important notes: 请于填写表格前先阅读以下说明:Please read the following instructions before completing this form. 根据国家税务总局、财
shallbeinaccordancewiththeapprovedbythecompetenttaxauthoritieswheretheassessableperiodtimelyfillinthisform,andwithin15days fromthedateofoneofthefollowingmonth,tothelocaltaxauthorities. 税款所属时间:自年月日至年月日填表日期:年月日 金额单位:元至角分
原产地申明declarationoforigin 地区名称证书regionalappellationcertificate 优惠原产地证书preferencecertificateoforigin 普惠制原产地证书certificateoforiginformGSP 领事发票cosularinvoice 危险货物申报单dangerousgoodsdeclaration 出口统计报表statisticaldoucument,export 国际贸易统计申报单intrastatdeclaration 交货核对证明deliveryverifi...
You may be asked to provide additional documents to evidence the declaration made on this form. 賬戶號碼Account No.: I. 一般資料 General Information 第 1 部份: 實體身份Section 1: Entity Identification 實體/分支機構名稱: Legal Name of Entity/ Branch: 商業登記號碼: Business Registration Number: ...
a) (); b) ; c) ()() Section 4 Declaration and Signature 4 1. I acknowledge and agree that (a) the information contained in this form is collected and may be kept by DBS for the purposes of automatic exchange of financial account information and US federal income tax, and (b) such...
(content39); //CBP模块 //第四行 String contentStr36="36.DECLARATION OF IMPORTER OF RECORD"+"\n"+"(OWNER OR PURCHASER) OR AUTHORIZED AGENT"; PdfPCell content36=new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(contentStr36,font4)); content36.setColspan(8); content36.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);...
DECLARATION The information I have given is true correct and complete I understand failure to answer any questions may have serious consequences Do you intend to live in Australia for the next 12 months State English TURN OVER THE CARD PLEASE COMPLETE IN ENGLISH WITH A BLUE OR BLACK PEN ...
taxback申请表 你提供的材料越详尽,你将越快获得退税。usdocuments@taxback.com
If the ownership is 5% or above, please fill in the Declaration form on Bearer Shares Ownership additionally. 請填寫以下部分(如持股 5%或以上,請填寫以下部分,並另請填寫不記名股票申報表) Name of Ownership 擁有人姓名 Percentage of Ownership 持股比例 3. Is / Are the sole-proprietor, partners, ...